☽Ivy☾'s profile picture

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Category: School, College, University

I hate school so much

During the first week of school, we had a long ass essay with multiple parts and stuff to do due in two weeks and we didn't any time to work in class. I have a job and trying to start essays are struggle for me. So, I literally didn't get the essay finished until the night it was due before. Then after that we have another essay, but she lost mine, so I didn't get a grade for it :/ And for this quarter I have two more big ass essays due. They are spaced out but it's gonna be we start essay number one and a week after that we start essay two and barely have time to do it! I'm stressed worrying about it and its frustrating. I am only a junior in high school why are you doing so much?

Anyways here is my manz:3

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Nic's profile picture

Starting essays can be a struggle because its such a mountain of a long-term task and most of us aren't taught to value the small steps we make towards reaching the end goal.

If on the first day, all that is done is coming up with a topic, that's good. If on the next, all that is done is the barest sketch of a general outline, that's fine. Maybe the next day the outline can be a little more detailed.

I hope that can help.

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Thank you so much for this comment! I will definitely try this next time!!!

by ☽Ivy☾; ; Report


crazyguy's profile picture

hey man, if it helps you, try to do these things calmly, don't stress yourself out for nothing, etc. bro, at least try to explain your situation to them, I don't really like school either and I even understand your point.Anyway, I hope it's better :)

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Thank you <3 I tried telling my parents and friends but they dont understand how much stuff like this stresses me out. Your comment means a lot to me :))))

by ☽Ivy☾; ; Report