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If you like YandereDev get out of my face

So I'm about to go on an unhinged rant nobody will probably read but here I gO!!!

To start, fuck YandereDev. Fuck Yandere Simulator. And fuck everyone who supports it.

To give some background, I was a fan of Yandere Simulator for YEARS. And by years, I mean yeaAARS. I was supporting it since his first video came out on YouTube, and I was very young so I didn't know any better. I was a kid who had unsupervised internet access, so that's why I was able to play it without my parents knowing or caring.

He'd post a progress report, and little me would get so excited. I looked up to the guy, thought his game was one of the greatest games I've seen. Why? Because I was a weird kid drawn to violence, as many kids were I imagine. I liked Creepypasta, I liked horror movies and shit like that. No, I'm not a psychopath or a serial killer, I'm not very fond of those things anymore. I can't really handle gore which is surprising considering some of the crap I was raised on. I also liked anything with an anime artstyle. As a kid, I was SUPER obsessed with anime. I still like it, but not as much as I used to. If it had anime eyes, I was bound to like it.

The concept of Yandere Simulator was really fun, not that it was original, but it was fun. I guess more fun in the sandbox aspect than in a serious aspect, which is why I liked it so much. It never really stood out as a serious game. In its simple days where it blew up I'd say was the peak of its "development". When nobody knew about YandereDev's past and horribleness were the best times from it, because nobody had a bad taste in their mouth about it at the time.

I think the reason why nobody questioned the panty shot thing in the beginning was just because of the anime artstyle smacked over the game. Anime has always been super weird in some of the crap it peddles out,, so it got a weird pass for some reason until all this shit came out about YanDev.

Anyways, all this in mind, I was a pretty devout supporter of YandereDev and his game. That was, until, all the initial drama came out about him in around 2019. I remember being openly against any dislike towards YandereDev because, simply put, I was extremely ignorant. And I was ALSO 13 years old, I was dumb and young. And this game that had practically RAISED me,, why would I question it? I respected the developer and I grew up with that respect. I would get SOOO angry whenever anyone would shit on me about it, and I hated receiving criticism. I'd purge any "hate" videos on him out of my YT recommended too.

I've always been like that honestly, I'm extremely loyal to people and to my opinions. I'm kind of a stubborn person so, I was a bit late to the YandereDev hate party.

Well, one day, I bit the bullet and decided to watch one of those "hate" videos that came up in my recommended. I can't remember why, I think I went in expecting to comment on it and argue with the person who posted it. However, when I actually WATCHED that video, my entire world shifted. I was in shock, and it actually made me break out of my blind support for YandereDev. In my shock, I decided to watch more and more videos on him, and low and behold, I woke up.

It was,, genuinely appalling. And a very strange point of my life that turned my world upside down. From my point of view, I just thought everyone was bullying him as he had so made it out to be. But no, the guy was DISGUSTING. A porn addict, a guy who was probably a pedophile (funny how this turned out to be true), and a greasy pervert incel who couldn't take criticism. STOLE assets, and had volunteers work for free.

It was insane how I never caught wind of ANYYY of this whatsoever despite being so engrossed with YanSim my entire life. When I think about this, it makes me think how many children are still being manipulated by this guy, because apparently it's so easy to just not know how horrible he is.

Well, I quickly forgot about most of this,, stopped playing for the most part, and he became one of the many people that I just made fun of occasionally in my conversations. Now imagine MY surprise when it comes out that this motherfucker turned out to be A GROOMER.

....well I wasn't really surprised honestly.

I feel like it was more of a surprise to me how many people just didn't see it coming at all, because the dude literally fucking posted about how kids should be allowed to have sex licenses. YEAH. SEX LICENSES.

And yet,, people STIIILLL fucking support him. Even after he was ousted about being a goddamn child predator.

There's only one thing I hate as much as pedophiles, and its PEDO SYMPATHIZERS. Literally I can't fucking deal with anyone who claims that pedos should be rehabilitated, literally just fuck off and don't talk to me if you think that. All pedophiles deserve castration and the death penalty, nothing can change my mind. All pedos are monsters, end of discussion. YandereDev isn't an exception to this.

It absolutely ENFLAMES me seeing the response people had to his apology. The comment section on it especially was horrible too.


The only person within their own right to forgive him is the victim. YandereDev is not sorry. If he were sorry he wouldn't be such a fucking insufferable pervert who sexualizes underaged characters and he wouldn't CONTINUE to develop his game after this. He literally posted a huge update directly after this situation with no regard for the victim, or anyone he's hurt in this situation. His apology was literally "Oopsie. My bad mate, I shouldn't have treated a child like an adult. She was the one flirting with me tho, but sorry guys". And ALLLL of his posts ADDRESSING the situation on his blog were about his fucking mental health and his STUPID GAME.


Clearly he doesn't fucking care with every word he types about his damn therapy and "making friends" and "caring about himself more". He only cares about himself, and his own skin after this shit. He is only sorry he got caught,, and literally just wants to brush this off. He thinks he can come back after this, but he shouldn't be allowed to.

It surprises me that this fucker isn't in jail. How is he STILL allowed a YouTube channel and a platform for his pedophile game after every little thing he has done? Absolutely fucking DISGUSTING.

The only people who support him after this are children who don't know any better and OTHER pedos/incels who don't fucking care.

As someone who has been groomed several times, it boils my blood that there are people who don't take this shit seriously. Fuck off YandereDev.

0 Kudos


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(This is going to sound strange, but I do not support it, nor defend it, they are simply clarifications) (My English is not my first language so I'm sorry about that). Also, I clarify that if someone, or you, wants to correct me on something, you can do so, since it is simply my point of view, or they are only corrections and I can be wrong.

First of all, I would say that you should learn to separate the video game from the creator. Since the video game COULD turn out to be good, but not everything has to be linked to the creator; If the creator is a fucking shit, you shouldn't immediately say "I guess the game is the same" or "Don't support it just because of the creator". I'm just saying as advice (Not only for yandere simulator, I mean other video games or things in general), that you learn to separate the creator from the creation, since the creator, even if he is shit, does not mean that everything he creates is the same. Yandere simulator has many good ideas, and it was even one of the first yandere games that they took as an example to create video games later; So it's not "good" to say that your video game is shit when there are people who created yandere video games after that game based on him idea.
According to what I read and remember, you said that you had met yandere sim when you were a child. As far as I know, Yandere Simulator is a game for adults (Logically I know that you can't prohibit what you see, etc, but what I mean is that the video game is not set for CHILDREN, but for ADULTS), If I remember correctly, YandereDev published a video in which he explained why it was for adults and not for children; Furthermore, logically it would be a video game for adults or +16 since it contains blood, some lewd things (panties), etc.
I'm not stupid, so I also know that there are people who are unsupervised on the internet (I was also one of those people), but what I'm getting at with that is that you can't say (or give reference) why kids should NOT play yandere sim when the game was never made for them. Even, if I remember correctly, when YandereDev created the video game, the idea came from Reddit (He had asked a question about what video games they wanted to create, and YandereDev took the idea, and created the game.

The beginning of Yandere Simulator was never intended to be a serious game; That's why if you watch old videos of Yandere Simulator it appears that the video game was going to be finished soon, because he thought it wasn't going to take much time, and it was going to be a stupid game that he created.

And yes, people did know about YandereDev before. A former YandereDev employee published some screenshots in which they talked about certain things, among those things he revealed that YandereDev was (insert name that I don't want to say, but that he used when he was young), and so people began to associate him with him, while he flatly denied everything. What I'm getting at is don't say that "NO ONE" knew YandereDev's past, because there are, and there will be people who know him (like me)

"I think the reason why nobody questioned the panty shot thing in the beginning"
Yes brother, yes they did. I'm not even going to give you a lot of examples, since I assume you don't know much about YandereDev (And it shows on your blog), since you generally talk about how superficial what happened with him, not from the point of the problem; which is fine, and I'm not criticizing you for that, since it's not your obligation to know everything about him, or the origins of him itself.
But well, without deviating from the topic, the clearest example is Twitch; since around 2017 (I don't remember exactly) Twitch banned yandere sim from its platform for multiple reasons. One of those reasons was because naked characters were shown (And I'm not talking about the characters' panties), Since before, if I remember correctly, when the characters were going to the shower (To remove the blood), they were literally naked; That was later changed by a whitish cloud that covered his body a little, and finally (How we know it today), It was replaced by a towel.
Also, if I remember correctly, YandereDev had said that Twitch could unban your game when the game is COMPLETELY finished; since this way they could review the entire video game again, and see if it was appropriate to unban Yandere Simulator or not.

It wasn't because of the "anime" or the "panties" that people threw shit at YandereDev's game after learning about his past. The specific thing was that people began to criticize him since in accounts that he used when he was young, He used to talk about anime girls' sexuality, etc; which people took to heart since everyone assumed that yandere simulator was about girls who were "underage", although YandereDev said multiple times that the girls in his video game are of legal age (This is not a justification, I am simply basing it on facts and things said by each person, so you can decide whether to think that or not (I'm trying to speak from a subjective point)

YandereDev's "shit" didn't come out in 2019, it came out earlier; Possibly that information came into your hands that year, but before that there were many people who criticized him (and I was trying to investigate his past).

Now let's put ourselves in the hypothetical case in which no one ever knew about him past. Even if we put ourselves in that hypothetical and silly case, He would continue to be criticized, since he did not know how to accept criticism (There is something in him past that produces that), and also everyone said that their code was shit.
In short, whatever the case, YandereDev was going to be criticized at some point.

Review videos about YandereDev?,...It's not the best idea, I swear; I mean, Yes, they are useful if you want to get out of a quick need for information about YandereDev, but believe me, it is not the best idea. I only say this because in the videos they exaggerate a lot, or relate things that never came out of the person's mouth, and an infinite number of things I could enumerate; That's why I decided on my own to investigate him to try to get the "truth" of all that without having a personal "opinion" from ANOTHER person who said it from his point of view, ignoring important things.

That "he was never harassed" is false. Since he was harassed quite a bit at some point, I'm not saying that justifies what he has done, but it is very ignorant of you to say that he was never harassed when he was.

Pedophilia does not justify it, But I do know people who are addicted to pornography, and that is why that person does NOT necessarily have to be bad. Porn is your own taste, so if you like it that's okay, and if you don't like it, that's okay too. It is obvious that from your point of view you do not like pornography, but you shouldn't generalize that someone who likes that is totally bad (For my part, I don't consume pornography, but I don't judge people who do either (Unless they're motherfuckers who always want to talk about themselves), But if it's not about that, I don't think I should say it's totally bad.
Pornography is on the internet for free use; You just have to click and you can get a lot of it, So, If it is something that is free to use, why should it be bad? It is hypocritical to say that something that is free to use cannot be done.
It's like one day you went to a shopping center, but you had to leave unjustifiably just because one person said it bothered them that someone was in their own space. It's just stupid, since it's a public place, and you're not breaking any kind of law, right?

Speaking of pedophilia, the first case of pedophilia that was reported against him was in 2010 (or 2009 I don't remember exactly, sorry).
But it was about a 14-year-old girl while he was 21 years old. The case never became very famous, but the girl published some blogs talking about it (I have the links, photos, etc. of everything so if you want, you could ask me so I can send it to you).

I already explained the criticism, and the "theft" of assets I have to explain now. (Based on testimony).
First of all, the unity asset he used to create Ayano Aishi, and the poses, clothes etc; PURCHASED assets from unity (If you don't believe me, it could be a video in which he explains it, you can watch the promotion video of unity assets (I'm talking about the promotional video that the person who was selling those assets created), And something else I was going to say, but I forgot while I was writing that.

"and had volunteers work for free"
Yes, he did it since they were volunteers, and on his same page he stated that it was going to be "free help"; So possibly I'm guessing you've never read his blog or something, since he usually hurts mentioning as "VOLUNTARY HELP".
The question is: When you do something voluntary, do you expect someone to pay you for doing it?, I'd like to assume not, unless you're an interested person.
Anyway, why would you get into whether or not they pay VOLUNTEERS?; I think an issue to complain about could be if it forces people to work long hours, or something like that. But if we're talking about pay to people who VOLUNTARILY wanted to come in knowing that they were going to be paid, I guess it's not our problem, right?

Don't feel bad for not finding out anything, it's not your fault. You simply loved the game, not the CREATOR, which is the normal thing that usually happens in all cases.

"because apparently it's so easy to just not know how horrible he is."
Not currently, unless you're a stubborn sucker who sucks YandereDev's toes with whatever shit he says.
Or unless you're a gacha life photo 10 year old kid who just loves his game; although I think that even a 10 year old child with a gacha life photo has more IQ to know that YandereDev is not an honorable person,...Although I don't think so, since they probably just know their video game, and already, and they don't even know who created it, which would be better; Since this way they would save a lot of things and just enjoy the development of yan sim innocently.

I know this is your opinion, but I repeat again. You must learn to separate the video game from its creator. Since the video game is not to blame for who created it, it is simply another video game, and if you like it, that's fine, and if you don't like it, that's fine too.

Taking your innocence from before you didn't know he was the way he is, I guess for you it was a surprise that you found out that he was a groomer,...

(This is APART from your opinion)
Most people would have already deduced this anyway from the games and the theme the game entailed (If you are a child logically or possibly you don't realize that, so that's why I said it's apart from your opinion), Anyway, there is a reason they say that the game is "FOR ADULTS", and not for CHILDREN or ALL AGES.

And yes, since I'm speaking from a factual point of view, he did say about sexual licenses. I'm not going to talk about that topic, because I have found many points of view, so let's leave it to each person's opinion.

You shouldn't get involved in each person's personal opinion. If a person wants to support you, just let them, at some point they will realize and stop doing it,...There's a reason YandereDev has his "fans" who have been watching his broadcasts for YEARS. And when he said "YEARS" I mean from before 2010.
Furthermore, the majority of people who "support" him, as you say, They are simply people who "support" his video game, not him as a person, nor his actions.

I totally agree with you on this part. The question is: Who the hell says that pedophiles deserve to liveXD?, They are simply people who were born with that thought, or provoked it over the years, and it has no cure.

And you want to know something hypocritical xd?, YandereDev in one of the sections of his page talked about pedophiles, and there he says that pedophiles deserve to die, etc.
(YandereDev is literally a walking meme full of hypocrisy)

Bruh, and we return to the same, Leave people with their stupid opinion. If they want to believe he's going to change, just let them; At some point they may change their mind, or their opinion will remain the same over time, but don't wear yourself out on that, Anyway, you already saw that it doesn't make sense, right?

That a person is an unbearable pervert is not our problem, it is a problem of his upbringing at home (I know about that in case you're interested a little)
Also, what does him being a pervert have to do with him stopping programming his video game?, You are simply not going to stop doing it because it generates profits and benefits.
It's like people who are hitmen. They know it's wrong, but it generates income, right?

Dude, The update was planned before, just check him patreon.

The girl also mentioned that she didn't want YandereDev to talk about her anymore since her classmates were bothering her, and she was getting a bad reputation. (She posted something on Twitter about it).
Plus, it's his blog, he can publish whatever he wants. If he considers himself an egocentric piece of shit who thinks the whole world revolves around him, and he plans to base his entire blog on it, that's just his problem, not yours. Also, there were literally only 2 damn blogs of that, Don't exaggerate, it was all about that. Furthermore, he had already published a blog talking about the girl and her problem whit him.

"It surprises me that this fucker isn't in jail."
Justice is no good, dude, you should know that by now.

"How is he STILL allowed a YouTube channel"
YouTube is the only thing he has left, and even he doesn't upload videos constantly,...They deleted his discord, Twitch, etc. The list goes on, but I'm not going to focus on it.
Also that depends on the platform, not the person themselves.
For example, Twitch took its own measures and banned him, as did Discord, but no, it depends on the platform's measures, etc. Furthermore, yt was never affected unlike discord or Twitch.

"The only people who support him after this are children who don't know any better and OTHER pedos/incels who don't fucking care."
And not only children, but also adults, believe me. I have a list for that too. Although most of them are people who have known him for years, and other shit that would make this longer, so let's skip it for now.

✩YandereDev is not a good person, or at least not an honorable person in the creation of video games.
✩Incels or people who like pedophilia are not all the same because he has a problem with pedophilia and other problems that come from when he was a child.
✩We must learn to separate the video game from the developer.
✩I know that at various times I sounded against him and in favor of him (Sorry about that, I just wanted to base it on facts), ✩Anyway, if anyone or you wants to know more about YandereDev, or give me some kind of private discussion, I'm open to anything.
✩I'm not a YandereDev fan, or a YandereDev fangirl, because if I were, instead of agreeing with you on certain things, it would just be a crying comment, And defending him like he was a fucking god).
With this, I just want to clarify things that were missing from your blog, and for people to know a little more about YandereDev.
I like your point of view, although you tend to be a bit stupid about most things, since you should be a little more open, but in general it's pretty good.

And now to finish, I wish luck to anyone who made it to the end of that, and thank you for wasting your time reading my comment.

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by LexLuther; ; Report

Go back to Reddit bro, you clearly don't belong on Spacehey

by LexLuther; ; Report