Art Dump

Art I did since last art dump ^_^

Gonna also try to add more commentary with each picture! One of the concept arts I did for OCtober. His names funfetti and he's a zombie cause I love making zombie characters. I've been working with his design a bit more outside of this as well particularly figuring out the exact shades of colors i want and he's definitely now one of my fave ocs now.
^ example of messing with colors

More concept art from OCtober. Most of what i'm gonna post is concept art from OCtober lol. This is Orange another zombie OC though hes more explicitly frankenstein than just being a zombie with stitching. I'm kind of liking the middle bolt choice.

Concept art for Blueberry. My friend really liked her design so I also did figuring out colors for her as well.
I was originally stuck between hoodie or no hoodie and I ended up altering the design while i was figuring out colors and so the one with arrows pointing is probably her final design palette. Though I still feel kind hmm about her design and has since i drew her initially. Idk feeling like I saw a very similar design somewhere before and I mightve just ripped something off even though I had many sources of inspo for her design and made sure to not be too similar to my sources of inspo.
Deiveileid redesign. This was the last clean colored redraw I did for OCtober. I'm probably gonna lessen the amount I do next year though. I'll also probably post the old arts vs new arts in a separate post :3. For Deiveileid's redesign I mostly wanted to make him older though I also changed his tail as I wasn't a fan of the old one which was literally a slot machine handle. His current tail is inspired by the cockatrice though still some slot machine influence which is why I made the tip of it red. His pitchfork was also changed from a plain red one to a gold more actual fork shaped one. I angled the spikes on his pitchfork like 7s similar to his horn shape cause 777. And then the end is just egg shape :3.

Practicing how to draw Chibis here cause I wanna have a chibi style but rghrgh how the hell do people draw them. I think the style I did Candy Corn and Pumpkin in at the end is how i'm gonna do them for now. And then I got bored so I typed yaoi in multiple fonts.
Wanted to make a custom zombie awesome face to use (not my original design i saw other variants of the idea) and then i also made a version based on my oc funfetti.
Concept art for my OC Fiaclaithe's redesign. His design came out fast and easy. Maybe it helped I was listening to the dentist song from little shop of horrors lol.
In contrast his boyfriend Systrefazo was much more difficult and I still dont like it. I'm thinking it might be better to scrap his design and start from scratch with him.
Phone drawing of my Benji I did cause I was having difficulty sleeping and needed to draw to get it all out.
Another phone drawing of Benji I did for fun.
Doodles of Male just experimenting a bit. I got his eyes swapped in the fullbody one lol.
More Male doodles. Testing out brushes cause I think in the future I wanna change up my brushes.

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