school tmr ( ;´ - `;) 1/8/24

OMG it feels so late at night, maybe just cuz i went thru a lot today

i dyed my blonde streaks red today and it looks supa dupa cool!!! im going to go over in black and do raccoon tails and black streaks and then ill be super adorable.which brings me to school.... and gang.... what. will. i. DOOOOUntitled. i have so many opps its insane and they r after me daily...and i wont be able to stay awake or do the assignments bc its just so boring and stressful. its good that i have so many periods w megan or id pass away. guys, u do not get it megan is SO cool, shes like  the extension of myself in the way that i love her beyond our bodies, we are simply two dancing souls in the sky, energy never dies so i surf the universe with her forever. I think my love goes much deeper than the surface, when i love its w my entire chest and soul, no amount of words or poetry can explain it because its incomprehensible, you just know it when you feel it, and its so powerful and beyond us that us humans are far too fragile, the feeling gives us life or kills us. 

on anotha note, i just hate when people undermine my suffering by generalizing me as another mentally ill bpd girl or whatever cuz bitch (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ) i am a living human being with trauma and feelings, i hate that so many men generalize girls as a breed, idk just a thought. 

I dont really plan the blog at all i just start writing and letting my brain spill. Sometimes ill start to write something and ill feel ignorant so ill erase it, but i feel like if i just said everything id have so much to offer the world, and im sick of censoring myself. i think after my most recent relationship i just start to doubt my every thought, i feel so dumb like i dont deserve to think or say it. i wish the world had been kinder to me.

I JUST WANT TO ENJOY NATURE AND SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i simply love the trees and the grass and the dirt between my toes when i run through it freely without anything covering my feet. have u eva seen lichen? the preetty green colors and shapes. nature is so beautiful.  


                          (˚ˎ 。7  

                           |、˜〵    nyaa      

                            じしˍ,)ノ                                    thats all i have for today guys bai bai

0 Kudos


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