Incubus (tw & explicit)

You lay siege to the gates of dreams

Torn by your horns of ivory

You spring with talons of midnight

And torch the orchard of my mind

Your darkness eclipses truth's seeds

Buried in your false prophecies

I smother under your cover

You are lock and key, foul coward

You seek me when I'm my bleakest 

You find me when I'm my weakest

'Cuz you want to fuck me, ceaseless

With relentless lust, indecent

The morning stands, heavy handed

Painful bane of shadowed bandits

But you'd gone before dawn landed

Fled from being caught, red-handed

You'd held me in your sordid grip

As softly as a corvid's lips

You'd boiled me in your sweaty coils

And left me in my bedsheets, soiled

The next you come between my thighs

You'd best say your incu-good-bis

'Cuz right before my legs You'd part

I'll stake you through your ice-cold heart

2 Kudos


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Jon 🐇

Jon 🐇's profile picture

that fourth stanza, wow :O

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Thx!! Glad ya like it Jon :D

by xXRawr_SaurusXx; ; Report


Curtis's profile picture

Cool! I can hear Billie Eilish singing it...

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Oh she'd be a cool choice!:D

by xXRawr_SaurusXx; ; Report