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Category: Books and Stories

Book vs. Movie - Pride & Prejudice

Dear "Life as a Teenager" viewers,

Now comes the time we shall debate the great subject of movies vs. books. Which is better in your opinion, great viewer. Shall you choose a book lovers side and say a book? Or shall you choose a movie?

Personally I choose books. Not all the time I might add, because there are circumstances where a movie such as A Walk to Remember will come along and surprise me, but most of the time I am a book lover through and through. Recently, I’ve started reading Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and while I have not finished I love it. I watched the movie several months ago (I know I broke a book rule by watching the movie first) and loved it. So, it goes to say that I might end up having to come down to a really hard decision when choosing the book or the movie. 

What would you choose? 

Until next time, 

Viola Black 


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notahollabackgurl's profile picture

book! cuz with books u hav the perfect cast in ur head and when u watch the movie it can disappoint u at times..

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totally agree! Sometimes I even like to change the book characters to fit my liking. So when I watch the movie its total disappointment lol.

by Enchanted Reader; ; Report

totally agree! Sometimes I even like to change the book characters to fit my liking. So when I watch the movie its total disappointment lol.

by Enchanted Reader; ; Report

si hablamos de orgullo y prejuicio, tengo un gran aprecio por lo maravilloso que es el libro, pero si mencionamos la película hay que afirmar que la química entre los actores hacen que quieras estar esas maravillosas horas pegadas a la pantalla.

by MarjoD; ; Report