animated short films

Recently decided to try and start an animated short film but I'm having some trouble starting does anyone have any resources or recomendations? Not really sure if anyone on here can help lol just thought I'd askĀ 

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What you can do is get down your main ideas in a document( wordx , dox ,etc ) once written down you can start by designing characters (if its gonna be animated I will give you advice to keep it simple enough to animate it) and then start storyboarding ( simple pictures with no motion to get the idea ), you can also use other visual aids like learning 3D animation to make backgrounds of your own and do such and such with refferences.

Next is gonna be the audio ,if it's gonna be voice acted but you don't know how to socialize or don't want to pay ,invite sone friends along or do the voicelines all by yourself; If it's music just download the music- ;

About that ,the program is one of the most important things in making a short film, you can do about anything as long as you are comfortable and consider yourself good on it but if you are jndecisive maybe some of these will help you:
- Clip studio paint ( if youhave the money and dream of it )
- Flipaclip
- krita ( this is for pc only )
- Alight motion studio ( this for tween animation / special effects )

That's all I can tell you ,further more you can search on how to do this on YT step by step :3

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TYSM!! Thats actually so helpful I really appreciate the response :D.
I took a little break from everything but I will definitely keep your advice in mind when I start my next project!

by Big_Dawg!!; ; Report