rambling about a painting

okay so some time early last year i went to Edinburgh art gallery and i saw this painting called 'Lady Agnew of Lochnaw' by John Singer Sargent and omg she is one of the prettiest paintings and people i have ever seen.

when i saw her i was stopped right in my steps because of how utterly gorgeous she was, from the details in her dress to the confident stare she had causing her to look as though she could look life straight on with no fear whatsoever, a feeling i can only dream of.

id sat and stared up at her, staring at her made me feel all staticy and calm something I've rarely felt. her face and stare is now forever engraved in my mind.

i went back later that year but i couldn't find her and i didn't know what the painting was called at the time so there was no way for me to ask if she would ever be back on the red walls of the room which made her look so much more elegant

I'm going back to Edinburgh on Friday and I'm going to make sure that i see her again so can feel that calmness i felt that ever since has only ever just been barely tangible.

i have never ever been so moved by a painting in my life and now whenever I'm sat on my own deep in thought i cant help but go back to the memory of staring at ever brush stroke and imagining what she was like and how long it took to paint and the conversations the painter and her had.

(the painting)

Bye <3

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