I know what its like to fall in love with nobody there to catch me where i fall flat on my fucking face like the pathetic little bitchass i am and it hurts a lot. specifically in my chest and my head. like when you do so much for a person and they dont do anything back to you that matches the same degree of value that you did for them, for example you give them a thousand dollars then they call the police and say you're a rapist for no reason at all. thats what it feels like sometimes and it hurts a lot no doubt. first thing you gotta do is find someone to like, and if that person is unaware of your presence or dislikes your existence or doesnt feel for you in that sort of way, then theres two options. you can get the fuck over it and get someone whos better and i know you're gonna tell yourself that theres no one better, she/he is the best thing thats ever happened to me even though thats probably not true at all because i used to say that about girls who i dont give a fuck about anymore because they were pieces of shit. but if you really want to get with that person there is something you can do and you dont have to give up or move on but its gonna take a lot of effort, maybe even time and i can almost guarantee you it wont be worth it because statistically, for people in our age groups, specifically teenagers and young adults, these are a few lessons you should probably keep in mind. what do you do when you fail? what is that one thing you have to do whenever you dont succeed? what is that one mantra that always come back when everything is going wrong? it starts with 'dont' and ends with 'up' the answer is not dont throw up. throwing up is sometimes necessary. but dont give up if you even contest or argue that you should give up, then feel free to be alone for the rest of your goddamn life because someone who cant commit to something is not worth anyone's time. nobody wants to marry or date you if you're just gonna give up every second something doesnt go the way your brain wants it to. there are plenty of things my dumb brain wants but it doesnt get immediately. am i gonna cry like a two year old that died when it was born? no. im gonna get the things i want by doing the things i have to do in order to get what i want. so anyway, dont give up, grow a big ballsack and be a man or woman, act like someone who can take care of themself. if you can do that people will be attracted to you. if you just complain and cry and moan, go back to your mother who is the only person who will ever love you. if even that maybe you have a mom who hates you but probably for good reason if you're doing the things that im telling you not to do. so start showing others that you can coexist interdependently with them, rather than behaving childishly, depending on that person you are crushing on like a pathetic tiny small miniscule microscopic shrimpshit. you have to be physically attractive to the person you want. that doesnt always mean you have to be handsome or pretty, even though that helps quite a fucking lot. because for some stupid reason, human beings like to look at faces if its complexion resembles something pleasant for them. it may seem petty or shallow but thats how humans work including me. you and i like looking at beautiful things its completely normal, and if you're not beautiful, then practice habits and conduct a research and execution into how to make yourself beautiful. if you think you're incapable of being beautiful then you havent achieved my first point. once you have, then you'll be determined enough to becoming physically attractive. based on the physical phenomenon of human psychology, looks are quite a lot and if you arent phyisically attractive to people, they are going to be a lot less likely to like you. that is a fact. sorry if that hurts but you already knew that deep down in your brain so you might as well accept it. the good thing about that though is that if you have an incredible personality, then all you need to work on is getting a haircut, brushing your teeth, losing weight, dressing nicely, or whatever you have to do to be better looking. lesson number three. (i am not keeping track of these) your personality. if you have dumb, boring, simple, negative or any other kind of unattractive traits in your personality, then people are probably not going to like you. if there are any people you look up to that you find physically attractive, then i recommend doing what i did and try to be like them in your own unique way and make it yourself. do not force yourself to become someone else because its blatantly obvious and people will know that, however, do not be so stubborn that you are not willing to change anything about yourself to better your life. you dont have to do what i did, but you can look up to the people who you look up to and be like them. thats it. every other person is going to tell you to be yourself, but what if your self isnt good enough? for either you or the people that you like? its only okay to be yourself if you are already capable of making people like you including yourself. why would i give you that piece of shit advice? "be yourself" its completely illogical. "what if im a really suicidal person and i just naturally dont talk to people and i stalk girls? thats who i am. what then huh?" "be yourself" shut the fuck up people who give out this advice are just trying to make you feel better. im trying make you better, not feel better. do not be yourself if you suck. Grow a big ballsack and be yourself once you stop sucking. 4. stop criticizing yourself. if you keep calling yourself ugly, you are permeating that perception onto yourself. you may start eating more and getting fatter. you may stop doing your hair and looking like a homeless person. you may stop showering and smell bad. when you call yourself ugly, you are actually making your future self more ugly. start saying you can do better when you look in the mirror instead of "your ugly" whenever you say positive things like that, you are making your future self better looking. our brains are very weird and sensitive. so feed it with healthy habits instead of unhealthy ones like calling yourself ugly. one way or another, they become more true the more you say it, the more you hear it, and the more you believe it. dont just do these things expecting they'll help. there is a lot more you can do than these random generic tips on how you can get people to like you. if you cant contemplate what you can do next, then i feel sorry for you. there are thousands of articles and books and videos that can teach you much more detail than elaborate principles of getting someone to like you than whatever i just taught you. if you need any kind of assistance, then get it. when all else fails, go back to the start. this is all up to you and im not going to walk you through how to live this part of life because i cant. if you're too afraid, or too ignorant, or too dumb or too weak or too lazy to perform these. these are very simple and uncomplicated. straight forward, and completely easy tasks. even the most repulsive unintelligent hideous boring helpless incompetent horrible worthless people have found love. you can do it too. whenever you grow that ballsack i keep bringing up, you can do it and i dont care who you are. if you say you cant then you cant. you just cant. so goodbye if you say you cant. if you say you can, good job. thats the first thing you need to do. is know you can do it. you have taken one of many steps toward getting someone to like you, or even fall in love with you. and be sure to send me pictures of your wedding or whatever to show me that this actually mightve helped at all.
life sucks - getting somebody to like you
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