Honestly I have no clue where all of these accounts are coming from but they need to take their shit somewhere else. Every time I refresh my Spacehey to see if I have any notifs, there's always always ALWAYS someone with gore as their pfp and some shit like "i just did a drug" or "i hate [insert group of minorities here]" as their username in the new people section.
And this is going to sound really corny but whatever happened to just... Being positive and nice and not trying to disturb other people??? Whatever happened to being a pleasant person to be around??? I wouldn't say "What happened to being normal?" because the concept of "normal" is different to everybody but... I think most of us can agree that having a gore infested account isn't normal to any sane person.
I expected a bunch of gore to start popping up on other sites like Twitter or 4chan or something, but SPACEHEY!?!?!? Come on. Nobody on here wants to see that. Take your gore somewhere that has people who actually want to see it/don't give a shit. Better yet, just stop posting gore!! PERIOD!!!
Disabling comments cuz I don't want any gore accounts attacking me or whatever, it's not like anybody will see this anyway but whatever.
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