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Category: Art and Photography

My OCs Part 2: Reginald

 HEYYYYY LES CONTUNIEEE kontinu? con tin u??(read the first part or u wont have an idea whats going on)

Reginald is the boss in the factory that Zibidi works at, he is your classic minimum wage payer, has a short temper and does not care for his workers, classic boss typey guy, all he think about is money and he is determined to overcome anything that puts a barrıer between him and his money. His only weakness is, his dear wife.

IMG-0404" >

reginald becomes a different person with his wife, suddenly all he cares is her and her happines, he can lose all his money and still would be happy with his wife

the thing is, he can not GET IT ON WITH HER, in the almost 20 years of their marriage, they did not did the deed once, nor have they attemted it. Reginald knows he does not want it, but if she insisted he would for her happiness, but she doesnt, she knows deep down his heart does not beat for her

after ball boy grows up, reginald still not knowing about him, realizes companies down arrows from zibidis charges, calls him to his office, simply to fire him, just get thrown to the wall and get blackmailed. zibidi confronts him about the so called boy and says if he tries to fire him, he would torn this factory upon him tell all the dark secrets of its to the world.

reginald calls it  bluff but still worried, tells him to prove it

he proves it. reginald,in shock, does not know what to do, suddenly he feels like hes not the boss anymore.

 one by one zibidi uses him, his money, his statue, and his feelings. while all these are happening, with them starting to see each more often, Reginald, not being close to anyone but his wife before, start to develop feelings for this Zibidi. Something about this freak of a guy makes him curious, maybe him always being half naked played a part in it, idk.

Zibidi of course notices and uses this to his advantage. And eventually reginald is not a 60 yr old virgin anymore. reginald refuses these feeling in his mind, im only in it for the blackmail he says to himself

his wife notices it eventually, his glow and him actually being somewhat decent to other people gives it away. she, knewing he never loved her in that sense, but her still loving him, cant take it  well and kicks him out of house(in the nicest way possible )

reginald seeks zibidi in this time, appearing on his door with never seen before expression on his face, he is devastted because her wifes last words to him before kicking him out made him realise things about himself, how he is a horrible person,  and how he is gay as a window. IMG-0666" >  

i have already written so much about this little part of his story but i really love him, his wife and zibidis stories connecting, i say his wife bc i have not yet given her a name, and her story  does not end here, shes not a background char in reginalds story. more things happen here on but i wanted to give the full story of how he and Zibidi become a thing

lmao thank u if u read all this yapping, i would try to simplfy it but im writing this for myself too sooo... heres a sketch of the conversation they had that night together, zibidi also starts to genuienly feel things for him that day . i hope how much i like old men yaoi does not show that much through

IMG-20231206-031012" > IMG-20231206-031025" >

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