don / spooky ✟'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging


please know im very blunt and i have a hard time telling whats appropriate to say and whats not, this usually is not intentional, and if i ignore your message for a long time i am most likely unsure of how 2 react to it.

im okay with:

asking to call ( just dont get mad if i say no. I have social anxiety )

jokingly being mean

hugs or touch ( as long as its not inappropriate, but, i will let you know if this changes ) 

asking to draw my characters / making me art

asking for my music recommendations 

asking me if im okay

nsfw jokes ( but i will let you know if you went too far )

long dms/yapping ( if you ask for permission :) )

venting ( if you ask, dont be mad if i cant help you the best though , im 13 and mentally unwell myself )

you asking for more boundaries that arent stated here!

thin ice:

yelling at me

using typing quirks i cant read and refusing to give translations ( H1, cursive or fancy fonts )

dissing my interests for no reason (?? bro who hurt u 💀)

flirting ( in a serious way )

random tramua dumping (? im not a therapist, im your friend.)

saying youre a bigger fan of something i like ( when it comes down to things i like i am EXTREMELY defensive )

constantly talking about my race/sexuality in a negative way but you pass it off as a "joke"

CONSTANT spamming

telling me to "get over" my mood when im sad or overwhelmed ( i know i need to, but sometimes i have deep emotional moments that seem so out of control and you saying that doesnt really help)

talking over me or not wantinh to listen to me 

ill block you if you do this:

you send me bad or inappropriate imagery

advances onto me ( im ace )

you say racist/homophobic/transphobic things but you try to pass it off like you werent being serious

talking about me inappropriately 

youre using me for benefits ( my humor, money, etc )

i dont expect people to bend over and use tone tags for my own benefit, however if i ask you i don't understand if youre being sincere or not and you refuse to elaborate... we probably wont get along well anyways.

misgender me


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