Vostok's profile picture

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Category: Life

More about me

Welcome to my account!

I am currently a former college student living the NEET life... working on building my empire...

 I like anything to do with arts and creation (fine art, literature, film, music), research, history, and languages. I can speak/am learning German, English, Norwegian, French and Russian. 

I am incredibly against the ideas of anti-intellectualism (and equally pseudo-intellectualism) which seem to be particularly popular with young people, so if you write in your account that you 'hate books' or similar then I am afraid we have nothing in common and I would prefer not to know you. It is not 'loser behaviour' to learn. I love learning. On the other hand, I would love to be friends with anyone and everyone who has something to teach me, or similar interests that we could discuss (I am a little bit awkward).

My favourite artist is probably Christian Schad, I love the Neue Sachlichkeit movement of the 1920s so much that I wrote an inch thick essay about it! A few other artists I really like are: Otto Dix, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, El Greco, Edvard Munch, Rubens. Big fan of triptychs here. Although I did art at college I am entirely self taught in both practice and art history - formal education stopped teaching me anything useful a long time ago... fuck school!!!!!

Crucifixion (1965), Francis Bacon

Last year I read 97 books (casual humblebrag), If you have recommendations, please send some to me. My favourite fiction author is Dostoyevsky - I have read almost all of his novels. I also love Tolkien and many other authors. Recently, I mostly read a lot of non-fiction (history, fine art, literary criticism, psychoanalysis, politics, etc.) I have a Goodreads account which I use pretty much every day so let me know if you would like to be friends on there! 

I am fine with 16+ following and interacting with me but if you are under 18 I am not super eager to be your friend simply for reasons of maturity and responsibility. I do say that on my page but I've had 14 year olds try to add me. I don't have anything in common with people who don't remember the 2010 Winter Olympics...sorry. 

Hopefully I can start posting and talking to you guys more soon :-)

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perfectfourth's profile picture

you’re very cool! i also despise anti-intellectualism greatly.

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