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Category: Life

elevator hitch is AWFUL. let me tell you guys why

Elevator Hitch is horrible. So the reason why Elevator Hitch or whatever it's called and the reason why it's terrible is because it's just a cringe bunch of cartoons or it's literally a copy of elevators well I can't tell if it;s elevators or not but it;'s basically just like elevators. Like elevator hitch they create terrible elevators the elevators are  cringe the buttons are way too cringey  as just awful stuff. I mean, who even likes this? This elevators, the cartoons, the buttons, this. Its basically knocking off office jobs Or office jobs is not even better thgabn this. Like SERIOUSLY. Elevator hitch Needs top be canceled.

  1. ELEVATOR HITCH fandom is turning Woke. I see TRANS Protag art Now. LGBTQ fanbase. ALL NEURODIVERGENT mentally ill Woke People.. you can hardly Find any Normal Neuro Typical people here... It's all just Gay gay gayyy!!! LIKE SHUT UP!!!!
  2. gay woke ppl

2 Kudos


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