diary entry
i got up a little earlier than usual to eat breakfast and get my allergy shots since they close early on fridays. i would've gotten it a couple days ago when i went to get my allergy test (apparently i'm not allergic to anything on the list which surprised me) but they don't allow it to be on the same day so
on my way home my car started shaking and i was like wtf sojdnvosjnjndf my granddad inspected it later but he couldn't find what the problem was so i'll have to get it checked out officially. it was a little stressful since i didn't know if it was gonna break down but thankfully i got home without it failing
i ate lunch then played some disgaea. after that i got hungry earlier than usual so i had popcorn
after relaxing for a little my mom and i went to get groceries + some wendy's for my sister. i got some fries then took a nap for a couple hours
i don't even remember falling asleep lmao but once i got up i showered and changed the alarm motion detector
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