The Beginning Of The End

Hello, SpaceHey! I've been here off and on for a while, but this is my first time writing here. Lots of stuff has happened lately, and I'll tell you all about it.

First of all, happy 2024! When I was younger I thought this year would never come, it sounded like (and still kinda sounds like) a fake, made-up year from some sci-fi movie, like how 2015 must've felt to all those 80s kids. The reason I've pondered about this year in particular is that this is the year of my high school graduation.

I have just begun the second semester of my senior year. I thankfully have only 3 of 4 classes this semester. My free period is at the beginning of the day, which sounds nice but is essentially useless since I have to spend half of that walking to school since I don't have a car and busses don't really run around all day picking up people from their homes during free periods. Also, I can't really sleep in, it's not really something I've been able to do unless I'm up until about 3:00 or 4:00, and the best I've been able to manage in recent times was about 8:30. I do like having extra time in the morning for when I have to really get something done at the last possible minute.

Anyways, enough complaining about less school lol. The classes I do have are alright, Dual-enrolled English doesn't seem too difficult (although the teacher is batshit insane), guitar this year is self-paced since I'm the only one who's wanted to do it for more than 2 years, and AP government could be really interesting, although the teacher there acts oddly monotonous.

Hopefully this semester goes alright, I'll keep you guys updated.

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