College starting back soon - here's some resources!

If anyone needs to look for books for school, here are some resources I've used since freshman year of college - Huge archive of textbooks and research papers. The websites it mirrors from can be accessed as well, so you can browse to your hearts content. You will get more results if your teacher has a older edition of the textbook. Newer one's will be harder to find, but don't give you hopes up - someone might submit it into one of the websites.

Libby - Surprise! It's an app. The app lets you ebooks that are in your local library. So, if you ever want to read something but don't have the energy to go to the library yourself ( for illness or mental health reasons ), Libby is always a option. Just sign in with your library card and your good. I haven't used it, but I've heard it's a nice thing to have.

If You can't find your textbook, here's a website helps get you the cheapest option - Says it on the box - a database that helps you get the cheapest price on whatever textbook you need. Hasn't let me down when I can't find a textbook.

For general college apps

Todolist - a simple to do list app that allows you to make checklists of all the assignments you need to do. I've been using it and it helps me get on my assignments when my mental health is low. 

Sorry for the short list, and some of this may be common sense for some of you, but who knows. Thanks for reading :) 

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