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Category: Writing and Poetry

te čudne noći / those weird nights

te čudne noći
će proći
kada više voleti
neću moći

ti si jedna ljubav bio
u snu
pamtila sam te

svaku noć provedemo zajedno
bez briga i bez muka
imali smo
to nešto
što se nije viđalo često

kad mislim o tebi
ti javiš se
zvoniš mi na vrata

a ja te pustim u stan
"ostaćemo zauvek"

a ja te grlim
"volećemo zauvek"

a ja te ljubim


lažne nade bile su deo
naše mladosti
imali smo jedno drugo
ali na kratko
nikada, zauvek

ljubavi, da li se sećaš?
ljubavi, da li me pamtiš?
ljubavi, sudbina je teška

ti si pisao pesme i meni svirao
dok slušala sam tvoj glas
i stalno maštala na nas
a ti si ploče birao
za nas svirao

i tako prošli su nam dani
i tako prošle su nam noći
ne znam dal će bol proći
kada držim tu ljubav po strani

i shvatim
nema više zauvek
nema više nas
nema više hiljada reči
izgovorene između nas

that strange night

 will pass

 when to love more

 I will not be able to

 you were one love

 in a dream

 I remembered you

 we spend every night together

 without worries and without pains

 We had

 that something

 which was not seen often

 when i think about you

 you answer

 you are ringing my doorbell

 and I'll let you into the apartment


 "we will stay forever"

 and I hug you


 "we will love forever"

 and i love you






 false hopes were part of it

 our youth

 we had each other

 but for a short time

 never, forever

 love, do you remember?

 love, do you remember me?

 love, destiny is hard

 you wrote songs and played for me

 while I was listening to your voice

 and constantly fantasized about us

 and you chose the records

 played for us

 and so our days passed

 and so our nights passed

 I don't know if the pain will go away

 when I keep that love aside

 and I understand

 no more forever

 there are no more of us

 no more thousands of words

 spoken between us


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