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Category: Music

Id, Ego, Super Ego (Zomboid Embroidery)

Driving down the highway

At the break of day

I spot 3 figures

Moving a foot

In a field of stray

It was still the dark side of dawn

So hard to tell

Something funny about them

They didn’t seem okay

I stop the truck

Get my gun off the rack

Put my heels on that hard paved road

And shout hey

Well just then

The rising sun

Cracks the eastern ridge

And floods the plain

The 3 freeze a sec

In the instant light

Focusing straight my way

Like a camera click

My ocular nerves pick up these guys

Are me

Younger versions no doubt

But identical

And exactly

Yours truly







Whatcha looking at old man they laugh

And launch into a run

Toward me and my truck

At the waning moment

I jump back in

And hightail it off

Feeling dumb

I didn’t shoot the fucks

It’s a clone encrusted

Freak infested

Clown show on earth

All you can do

Is live by your you

Stay 30 grit

Don’t get yourself bit

And keep on sifting

The dirt

I get back home

To my house on the hill

Fuzzy and feeling used

My wife Ann asks

Where you been all night?

Fucking girls

Fucking boys

You satisfied?

Seriously Bill

Have you been

Back at that cave

Stritching around for old bones

To keep yourself young?

Yes I was

Didn’t last week

You cut yourself bad there

And drop blood in the dust?

I admitted I did

Well that wasn’t good

I told you that

100 times

A call comes in on her cell

Ann answered

As I took a swell of beer

She gets off and says

That was Joan

There’s been a kill

At Funnel Creek

Where it goes into the river

I think it’s the Browns

You want to go check?

Yeah let’s go I said

It’s a clone encrusted

Freak infested

Shit show of a world

All you can do is

Live your best you

Stay thirty grit

Don’t get yourself bit

And keep on sifting

The dirt

We get there

And sure enough

There’s been a slaughter

The Brown parents dead

And their 2 daughters

Bad shit

Don’t want to get into it

Except some people present claim

They saw me coming and going

To and from the Browns

In broad daylight

Along the road

You did this Bill

No it wasn’t me

Yes it was

They put me under arrest

And now I’m in jail without bail

My clones did this to me

My wife comes and visits me 

Once a month

Says with binoculars 

Good ones

On the far side of the canyon

She scopes the cave

And sees 1’s, 2’s and 3’s

Of me 

Slipping out

Bivouacking down rocks

Perfectly free

Will they all be criminals?


Maybe some will get a PHD

Not mutually exclusive

1st, 2nd or 3rd degree

It’s a clone encrusted

Freak infested

Shit show of a world

All you can do is

Live your best true

Stay thirty grit


Don’t get yourself bit

And keep on sifting

The dirt

0 Kudos


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