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Category: Writing and Poetry

short story: A lost worshipper

this is just something random i felt like writing at around 01:38 in the morning, so if the text makes no seance at points, its because im tired af and bored 👍

Cute Black Flying Butterfly

A lost worshipper...

Many of the elders in his village warned him not to venture deep in to the forest, many fearing he'll loose his way and never get out. And he listened like the good kid he was, never going past the great yew tree, spending most of his childhood and youthful teen years playing around or near the tree. But never daring to go past it. He was always curious what lies behind the yew tree, though he knew better than to let his curiosity get the better of him. 

So as the years came and went, he is no-longer a young boy but a man soon reaching adulthood. He was blessed with the name Rubus, which he was named after the blackberries he likes picking and eating. The tips of his fingers and fingernails are usually tinted a dark purple or blue, sometimes almost black from foraging the berries. He originally planed to become a baker or maybe a wood-smith and live a honest and humble life, but soon his once normal dreams became odd. And Rubus' started to see and hear things not even the elders could see or hear. At one point he wasn't sure if he was going crazy or someone has cursed him, as in his dreams a voice would always talk to him. And this voice would always, without fail, practically demanding him to venture deep in to the woods. Passing the yew tree if he were to do so.

Rubus went and sought out the leader of their humble village for guidance, mostly expecting to hear that he shouldn't listen to the voice and be headstrong. But as he went into detail about this voice and remembering only vague details about the appearance of this mysterious person. The village leader quickly went to get the head priest and the old priest told Rubus that the elder god of dreams and mania has grown fond of him.

The elder priest was overjoyed that their god has found someone worthy in their village, they live right at the border of the human realm and the world of ancient gods and monsters after all. A huge ceremony was held in honor of Rubus being chosen by the god. But Rubus himself wasn't happy not even content, but sad and scared. For when the sunsets the next day, he is to step past the great yew tree and start his reluctant pilgrimage to the gods humble abode.

Little did Rubus know at the time, the god actually fell in love with him. The elder god of dreams and mania would keep a close eye on Rubus during his dangerous and lonely journey to the heart of the ancient and archaic woods.

To be continued???

it is currently 03:13, i've spent faaaaaar too much time searching up poisonous plants and stuff about blackberries and struggling to stay awake. i know its rushed and im sorry if the text is all over the place. im gonna go and pass out while watching an episode of Grimm or something so good night ≡(▔﹏▔)≡

2 Kudos


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