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Category: Music


hi, there will probably not be much people reading this AT ALL but I just wanted to do something. so the category on this blog is just life and stuff so I'm just planing in writing about stuff, like life. Life can be hard life is like a mountain, when your at the top you start going down again eventually. so this blog I decided to be a diary for now so I'm just gonna write my feelings too myself. so I write many poems and I think that's one way for me too feel good about my life, I also sing and paint and its the same with those. I just really like to express my feelings like that. anyways here is a poem I wrote i’ma take it in Swedish


ibland är jag ledsen ibland är jag glad

jag saknar min ungdom även då jag bara är i tån åren

jag är fortfarande ung

men jag känner mig inte ung.

jag känner mig ganska gammal

jag känner mig mer som en kvinna i medel åldern med ingen familj.

It’s a poem about sadness, it’s like I’m young but I feel old and lonely. That is definitely not one of my bests but it’s somethin. Anyways next subject?

When I paint I just do what I feel, so the other day I painted a girl without face and hands, she was flying in the air and the background is just abstrakt with a lot of color. I feel like that painting just speaks to me yk. Sooo…

last but not least singing, a lot of people say I sing good and I kinda think so too but I got my good and bad days, I like to sing rock songs but when I preformed on stage witch happened two times I sang a song of Adele it was make you feel my love. I think the first preference was the best cuse I got a small voice crack in the other but it was still good, I’m gonna preform again soon with three songs. Skyfall by Adele, dirty little secret by the all-American rejects and fall for you by secondhand serenade.

anyways that was it for now, bye! 


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