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Category: Blogging

Majority of Gen Z ╯︿╰

I am so sad to be a part of gen z because you can't do anything these days without being called cringe by some 14 year old girl >︿< Nobody's allowed to enjoy anything anymore because apparently everything is cringe! Like a certain show? Cringe. Listen to a certain genre of music? Cringe. Dress a certain way? Cringe. Text a certain way? Cringe. Use XD or other text emojis? Double cringe? What happened to just letting everyone enjoy their own stuff? Now if you don't like the same thing as everyone else you're just trying to be 'different' or 'quirky'! As long as it isn't hurting anyone just let people be people and enjoy life! ( ̄﹏ ̄;)

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hams's profile picture

people thinking having fun is cringe is cringe!!!

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100% agree!! Like just let people enjoy themselves ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

by Callahan; ; Report

100% agree!! Like just let people enjoy themselves ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

by Callahan; ; Report