I've been really hoping that now that *NSYNC is reunited they keep putting remixes of their old classics into Justin's fantastic producer project the Dreamwork Trolls Movies. "I Want You Back" being remixed for "Brozone's Back" I nearly weeped-- SO GOOD.
*NSYNC Songs I cannot go without being remixed!
- Celebrity
- Digital Digital Get Down
- Pop
- Space Cowboy
(And I know this is a cover but their mix could be mixed again) Just Got Paid.
I think "Pop" probably has the most potential because they are pop Trolls, but it also makes me think why didn't they remix it in World Tour when they uncovered the pop string. If we are envisioning it for the new movie I would Imagine it's a medley actually done by all the other kinds of trolls to honor the Pop trolls. In my wildest dreams it's a Poppy and Branch wedding, and each verse is done in different genres (Country, Rock, Techno, Funk, Classical..) even though they are singing about Pop.
I think the "Royal Wedding" angle for the next movie is highly plausible and that's where I would remix "Celebrity" to actually be "Royalty" using the same syllables. I think it would be fun to see a character arc from Viva about how she really should be queen, been the eldest daughter and all that. Some jealousy could arise between them especially if Poppy is super stressed about a wedding, maybe even giving Viva some authority and then being like "But, you're just filling in" Temp-Queen behavior and all that. I think alternatively Viva could be having like suitor troubles not being the most socially aware, letting trolls into her life who kind of walk all over her.
"Digital Digital Get Down" now this is just a bit indulgent for me. I think after being in the high tech world of Band Together, gadgetry and technology is very imminent in the Troll world, most likely living tech. I just want Branch to be all angsty about not being able to see Poppy and literally inventing a way to see her when they are separated. Poppy would become such an iPad baby tho so it's kind of worrying.
I think the next move could go in an entirely unexpected jump and explore more of the world and Troll differences. I think seeing hybrid trolls would be so so epic. and that's where "Space Cowboy" could be remixed, ya know a techno/country spliced troll. Maybe hooves and fins. (This is a bit indulgent because my Trolls-sona is a hybrid of funk-country that like looks like a funk troll but has hooves and bovine tail -- I digress) I think another movie where we see a lot of the characters we haven't seen in 3D since World Tour, that gives Barb some on screen redemption, and broadens the horizons of the world.
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