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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

New years resolutions

My "new year resloutions" for 2024 as a 15 year old with no achiveable dreams

Nr 1:

I want to experiment with my style more in 2024.

During 2023 I was playing it safe, wearing basic outfits never risking anything. But now I only have half a year left at this school with these people so I feel way more free to experiment with my style. To be completley honest I am scared, I care about what other people thing even thought I know that maybe I shouldn´t buit thats also the good thing about this, going outside of my comfortzone and putting myself in slightly uncomfortable situations.

You see, I´m thinking about applying to a school where that is one of the things that they try to work on, like a lot. They strive to teach their students thats it´s okayt to be a little uncomfortable every now and then so they put their students in those situaions, so basically I´m just preparing myself for that. haha.

Nr 2

Loose weight in a healthy way

Latley I´ve been loosing weight and I see how happy that makes me, everytime I step on the scale and see a lower number that what I saw the day before my face lights up and I start to smile.

One of my problems is that I´ve been "starving myself". Skipping meals, not eating meals with all of the good stuff I need and also making my prtions way smaller. NOT GOOD.

If it isn´t impacting your health you don´t need to loose weight! You´re gorgeus!<3

I´ve just not been comfortable with myself and also I´ve been eating a lot of sweets bc of that mutherfucking swedish fika.

The problem with that is that I don´t exercise, I dont go to the gym and I don´t go on runs or walks or whatever. So, I want to start exercising in my everyday life and stop eating sweets as much.

Nr 3

Stop being so god damn scared

I´m scared of everything, but mostly confrontation.

So if I have a negative opinion about what someones doing or saying I just stay quiet, this has affected my mental health negatively and I dont want that energy in my life.

I can´t come up with more rn so,

have a great day amd a great 2024!!

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