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Category: Life


It's been a while since I wrote the last blog. I didn't know what would be interesting to write.

 The week before the holidays was REALLY hard. My gradeas weren't that bad. I mean I got bad grades but there were more of the good ones. To be honest I forgot about that and rememered it just now. I love these holidays. 

I watched American Satan and Paradice City after a long time wanting to watch it. And they were good!! Today I finished Tokyo Revengers season 2. And yesterday I finished watching the Nana live action movie. I miss watching movies and tv shows so much. In these last few years I didn't watch a lot, I listened to music instead. 

About music. This week I was so obsessed with few songs. They're in this playlist :


I could write and write here(like in the last blog). But I'm so lazy ><, Maybe I should actually do that? I'll see. 

Right now, I'm using the laptop of my parents in my room. It's 2am. I wrote my last blogs using my phone and I think that using a laptop is more fun!! 

This year was really hard and bad but in the same time it was fun. I have accomplished some goals. Like trying listening to heavier music and doing workouts everyday for about 2-3 months. That's my record. But going back to school made me loose motivation and time. But ok, I can't change that. I would have to try again. I'm too lazy to write about discovering new music, I should do that soon. 

This year I have experienced many embarrassing moments and because of one of them I had to hide in the toilet. It was actually my fault but I was too scared to show up in the class for being late, by the way my face would have been red so that would be even more embarrassing. This year I got a new haircut that I really love, I definitely would cut my hair that way again, maybe a bit longer. But it was not planned. So that shocked everyone. I thoutht I would never recover from how everyone reacted. So now I'm scared to ever go to get my hair cut. It's so long now, I want to cut it so much!! 

There were more of things that happened this year but I think I should stop writting this blog. I'm going to listen to some music before sleeping. Probably to Black Vei Brides or something similar.

I have been growing my nails for 3 months. And I miss having them short, it's so hard to type right now. I think I will cut them soon. They look cool painted black too. I wanted to paint them so and this November I finally did that.

Now I should finally stop writting.

I hope in the next blog I will write more about things that I didn't mention in this one.

I hope my English wasn't horrible because it feels like it was.


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