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Category: School, College, University

school dramaa


first entryy !! 

these blog entries will be about shit that goes on in my school ( obviouslyy )

warning :

my school is veryy out of pocket and ill have very weird updates each day. please dont get offended by anything i write down that i found interesting 


jan 4 , 2024 - back to school

literally nothing happened ,, i facetimed my friend almost the entire day and ran into a few kids i didnt like . i ended up changing my schedule around so im able to have lunch with my friends , and now im taking freshman theatre ! 

my friends and i ended up ditching 4th and 5th period , mainly because i was being petty abt the teacher i use to have for 4th. during exams week , i went to go ask him about if we had an exam that period or not , just to see if i could take a free period - pretty casual right ? well you would like to think that he would just calmly give me a yes or no answer , instead he BACKED ME UP AGAINST THE WALL AND CORNERED ME SO I COULDNT MOVE , then he proceeded to confront me by calling me a waste of time and energy and told me that i shouldnt be taking my exams cause 'hed know i would fail'

please keep in mind that im 5'0" and he is about 6'2" even. he was doing this in a full class of kids and not a single person want to help me out in any way ? after a few minutes of just a full on unprofessional lecture , i pushed him away and left campus , later after eating lunch with friends , we headed back to school and me and a witness ( one of my friends i went out to lunch with ) decided to report him to the head administrator , later finding out he had multiple reports of aggression and overall overreactions towards students.


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