Poem: Nightmare

Maybe it’s all a nightmare.

A bad bad nightmare.

All hope is lost.

All the trickery between a mother and a lost daughter 

All love is long gone between a mother and a lost daughter

A bad bad nightmare.

Never to end.

A look back onto Roxanne’s life is quite a tragedy.

Reflecting to psychology.

Tik tik boom  Mothers yelling again.

Tik tik boom she’s putting on a act

Tik tik boom the lost daughter is now a found son


Someone guide the son out of the abuse loop.

The mother such a actor as the passing people never notice

What a house

What are the odds? 


Wake up.

It’s all a bad dream.

1 Kudos


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Alex<3's profile picture

So cool. Really good maybe have more descriptive words to give it more emotion? Its your art you do not have to listen to me but Xp Glad you can express urslef here

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Thank you! I’ll take your advice! I appreciate it:)

by Aaron; ; Report