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Category: Life

Twenty twenty three in review

It has been a year since. I certainly didn't intended it to be this long. Originally I planned for at least four different entries in between. I feel as if time went so quickly in twenty twenty three. It seems unreal at times. Therefore I did made use of time. And for that matter I tried using it wisely. I decided to do a recap of some sorts. It's basically what's happened this year for me. This is absolute short version of events. In early January I decided to purchase a laptop computer. It was an affordable price. I also included a warranty on it. Prior to that time I haven't had one since twenty seventeen. My old laptop was a Toshiba brand with windows xp. I was using my phone for internet which was the usual. January twenty twenty three was an good start of the year. In late February I brought a five in one printer. What I should have done was read through a couple of reviews. Throughout the months I was having a few technical issues with my HP brand printer. Recently those issues had gotten resolved. I remember years ago having a canon brand printer. It worked great as I remembered. In March I was experiencing awful pain from my left leg. It was similar to the pain back in November of twenty twenty two. Only difference it wasn't effecting my walking at that point. If I could describe it in one word it would be excruciating. I went to get x-rays and tests done from my doctor. There wasn't a precise answer. I did noticed a pattern from it. Meaning there was okay days and worst days from it. Actually it's an ongoing issue. In April and May was the same with my left leg being in pain. Despite that I had good days in those two months. June, July and August were very busy months. I was leaving nearly everyday getting things done. I was with my family throughout the year. My mom, sisters, brother and nephew. I am very grateful for my family. For September I had a good month. I had a great time on my thirty sixth birthday with my family. We went out to dinner at chili's. October was another good month. I stayed inside for Halloween while still celebrating it. Early November I had a terrible cold. I was drinking chamomile tea with honey and lemon. I also took ibuprofen and tylenol capsules. I did took cold medication in the beginning. I had to stop taking it due to feeling worst. It must have been a side effect for that particular medication. I celebrated thanksgiving with my family. On the second week of December I experienced a similar situation. It was mostly effecting my sinus. That particular time I took airborne effervescent tablets. I prefer to take them with orange juice instead of water. In my experience they worked. Everyone is different with certain remedies with cold and sinus. I had a great Christmas with my family. As of today on new year's eve I plan to watch the count down to twenty twenty four. I plan to be with my family and relax on New year's day. I hope everyone have a great and prosperous new year. And to make things happen. I definitely need to make more things happen for myself as well. I am optimistic despite having a few self criticism type of moments. I understand everyone has probably heard that message several times about a new year. I recalled saying that last year ago. Although I find that to be a great message to reflect on. Peace until next time. 

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