New Year, New Death of the Self!!

This is a personal rambling about my personal mythology surrounding New Years, death, and transformation, and is not meant to be taken as advice or suggestion for spiritual practice. This is just what I do/feel.

This New Year, I've been thinking a lot about death. I've had a lot of death in my life this year. Strangely, it was never someone I was close to, but someone distantly related to me, or someone I had never even met. This happened to 3 people I was acquainted with, and on top of that I spent the majority of the year working at at a call center that spoke with seniors all day about their medical issues and eventual deaths. Death has haunted me this year.

Death in tarot represents endings, but also transformation, the ending of cycles, and of rebirth.

On New Years, I've always eaten pomegranates. I used to just say it was because it's my favorite fruit, but that doesn't feel quite right anymore (and favorites aren't really my thing, anyway). Pomegranates are commonly associated with Persephone, a goddess of death, life, and rebirth (and many other aspects that are not the focus of this post, but you get my drift). I think, for me, eating these pomegranates is a way of "killing" the old year, consuming it, and being reborn anew. Pomegranates look awfully similar to flesh, and the symbolism is pungent.

I want to "die" metaphorically and be reborn this year. I hope I reveal the pearls at the bottom of the muddy water of my heart, and I want the water to run clean so people can see who I truly am.

Happy New Years Eve, everyone!! I hope your goals are achieved as well.

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