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Category: Life

i think dream me is a sociopath or smth

- Uh, TW: violence and drugs -

My dreams are so fucking weird, I swear to god.

So the night before, I must've really been thinking about drugs and illegal shit because it ended up in my dreams.

I'll set the scene for you. I was recently exposed to an underground weed dealing system for underage teenagers who either were peer-pressured into smoking it, were incredibly curious about how it would be, or were depressed and were turning to drugs at the age of fifteen.

I was brought into it when my friend (who was like faceless like I can't for the life of me remember who it was in my dream) was talking about they got like really stoned with another friend and I asked for some weed (btw it was literally phrased like, "Can I have some drugs?") and my friend handed me a plastic ziplock bag full of like unrolled weed and some pills (idek what the pills were, could have been ibprofen for all I know) and edibles and just a bunch of other stuff.
My dream self was so paranoid about losing the drugs or people finding them that I just carried them around on my person in my pocket or like anywhere I could stash them (get your mind out of the gutter if you're thinking what I think you're thinking lol).

Anyway, I started smoking the weed in the bag like every night (that's just the idea I got, time felt weird in that dream) and somehow, I ended up in this gathering sort of place with some of the people with the underground weed dealing system. It was like a really posh and fancy setting, there were velvet chairs, fancy rugs, old fashioned looking lamps on the walls, and a bunch of other fancy shit. The thing was, this was filled with a bunch of stoner teenagers so it was a little off. Everyone there was just hanging out and talking.

Eventually, the leader of this exposes someone for stealing some of the fancy lamps, as well as other assorted expensive things. I also noticed my drugs were gone and assumed that the thief stole them. The person who stole things was like an asshole and I immediately started hating them. Anyway, the leader of the gathering runs out of the place we were (I was under the impression she was getting the cops, but that wouldn't have been very smart of her). The thief ends up sneaking out of the place with none of the stolen goods. 
When the thief comes back, she sits on this fancy throne-like chair and looks down on us and starts just talking shit. She somehow managed to get some things from us, like my computer and a yellow hoodie (which were of sentimental value to me for some reason) and threatened to break them, but I convinced her I didn't care. I got everybody at the gathering (who were still there???) to start chanting "WE DON'T CARE" and the thief gave up.

Then, I somehow managed to get the other people to trap the thief in a fucking sleeping bag, where I proceeded to waterboard her and I told her she wouldn't be leaving the sleeping bag ever again, but she could have the privilege to eat if she gained my trust. She started to thrash around in there, looking for ways to leave, but I literally got ON TOP OF HER AND SAT ON HER HEAD SO SHE COULDN'T MOVE. And all the while, I was getting the other people there (I guess I was their leader atp) to torture her in the most sadistic ways possible while she was inside the sleeping bag. But the thief somehow never begged for mercy or apologized, she just kind of screamed and thrashed around, which further fueled my anger towards her, so I got up from where I was sitting and beat her with a fucking bat, but she didn't fucking give up. 

Somehow, she got out of the sleeping bag and tried to make a run for it (the bitch had NO INJURIES LIKE WHAT), and I got everyone at the gathering to grab her by her arms and legs and hold her down on the floor so she couldn't move. She started just saying, "If you don't let me go, I'm going to hurt your feelings!" To be quite honest, if this was real I probably would have been a little scared because I'm kind of sensitive, but do you know what dream me did? I beat her with a baseball bat. 

So the night before, I must've really been thinking about drugs and illegal shit because it ended up in my dreams.

I'll set the scene for you. I was recently exposed to an underground weed dealing system for underage teenagers who either were peer-pressured into smoking it, were incredibly curious about how it would be, or were depressed and were turning to drugs at the age of fifteen.
I was brought into it when my friend (who was like faceless like I can't for the life of me remember who it was in my dream) was talking about they got like really stoned with another friend and I asked for some weed (btw it was literally phrased like, "Can I have some drugs?") and my friend handed me a plastic ziplock bag full of like unrolled weed and some pills (idek what the pills were, could have been ibprofen for all I know) and edibles and just a bunch of other stuff. 
My dream self was so paranoid about losing the drugs or people finding them that I just carried them around on my person in my pocket or like anywhere I could stash them.

This basically goes on until I wake up. I'm torturing the thief and she won't shut up, so it further fuels my range and I keep torturing her. I don't think I can explain how much she annoyed me, like it was unbearable. I feel like if she had just been like "OW THAT HURTS STO PLEASE OW STOP I'M BEGGING YOU!" like a normal person, I would have felt remorse, but she just kept yelling at me and telling me my hair looked stupid.

4 Kudos


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