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Category: Art and Photography

My favourite art from this year!! ^^

Hi hi everyone!! It's a few hours b4 new years for me and I decided to make a blog showcasing all my art from each month that I liked the most (along with varying lengths of commentary for each lmfao). I think I improved quite a bit and I hope it shows through at the end.

I'm also thinking abt making some specifically for Aira too cuz I made art for him every month so I think that'd be fun to share with y'all as well.

Adding a warning for minor blood and a a dagger shown in the November drawing though it's not SUPER detailed, I wanted to add this just in case anyways.

Anyways, here's my favourite art pieces from each month!! ^^


These two were part of a set of drawings for Alkaloid as Disney Princesses and I couldn't choose which I liked more between them since I really loved how Hiiro's hair turned out in his but I enjoyed how Mayoi looked overall, I just wish that I could have drawn her braid better...


This one was for an rp scene for a server I'm in! The first line is from Aira about Tatsumi and the bottom line is Rinne himself. While this one isn't too bad, the face is something I wish I could have drawn a little better because I feel the facial expression could have been portrayed to look more like what I was going for if that makes sense.


My first ever drawing of my Enstars oc, Zhíhao Hoshino! I don't have many things I wish I could have improved better aside from how I drew his face shape. He's like 17 and he looks about 14-15 here due to the more round facial structure I gave him here.


Self indulgent Aira in a dress drawing! I don't think it looks too bad but I just wish I finished the hands, fixed their proportions a bit more and given the skirt more shape to it. 


As you can see from the title, this was for Rinne's birthday! You can notice from the date that I drew this like a week or so b4 his actual birthday, that was because I would have been too busy with school by the time it had come closer to actually have had the time to make anything for it which I why I opted to do it ahead of time. I don't have any complaints about this one at all actually! I like how all of it looks, especially the outfit, I worked real hard to make it actually look like how it did in his card :3


Vampire Mayoi! This one is actually one of the my favourites overall for drawings I did this year. I made this one after lying in my bed listening to the Monster High theme song and wondering who would be who if Enstars had a crossover with MH. I'm still really in love with how the hair turned out for this one! I used multiple references for his hair rather than the usual Live2D Mayoi reference I use so I think it really assisted with how his hair would look at certain angles. No complaints here for this one either! ^o^


Shingo Naoki! Another Enstars oc of mine :] They're actually in the same unit as Zhíhao btw. I usually draw his more mischievous and confident side so when an idea struck for how to show off his more silly one, I took it immediately! My favourite part about this one is his outfit, the chain is kinda hard to draw but it really completes it and would make him look a little more boring without it so it's a really vital part of how he dresses ig


Faris aka Rumiho Akiha! I love this girl to bits and just HAD to draw her at some point, I'm aware that I showed y'all this one not long after I made it and got a positive response back which made me really happy since I wasn't confident with how the spirals turned out. I hate drawing hair like hers but it turned out fine so it's okay! I should really draw her again sometime...


This one is actually a one off drawing from when I wanted to experiment with different ways of drawing eyes since the way I do them is pretty much within the range of how Enstars draws them and one other way I can draw eyes from another artstyle I have which I don't use much. I love how the hair and eyes turned out but the outfit is something I wish I could have done better. It feels like I just added something to fill the space and should have put more thought into. It's not the worst thing in the world though so I don't really mind.


Tatsumi! This one was actually from a scene I wanted to write for a Tatsurinne college AU fic I had in mind but never got to writing because I wasn't sure how it would work. There's no dialogue but Iw anted to add smth like "I can't believe you managed to convince me to sneak out this late..." but eh, whatever. There's no real issues I have with this one other than how thin the neck looks. Like, it's not as bad as how I used to draw necks but I just wish it was a little thicker to be in proportion.


Another one off OC of mine! The idea behind it was a medieval lesbian whose lover got killed and now she's going for revenge on those involved. I think it looks pretty okay but I would love if the facial expression looked more fierce and pissed off and the pulled back part of the hair just looked better overall.


The final drawing in this set! I'm sure all of you are relieved if you haven't clicked off the blog already that this is the last one. As you can see, this is a modern version of Xiao from genshin Impact! This is one of more recent drawings I've done and am most proud of. I was really worried that the hair would be extremely had to draw even though I did it b4 in the past but to my surprise it didn't give me as many issues as a thought, the only real issues was scaling it and making sure that I knew where the lighter parts of his hair was. His facial expression went through a few changes from him only looking a little scared to fairly/visibly more worried. Finding out what kind of outfit to give this modern Vision of Xiao was probably what took me the longest. I actually went I researched his wiki page for official art of him in a more modern setting seeing as I knew that Hoyoverse had made a few before but found none for Xiao aside from his Halloween clothes but I didn't want to draw him in that. The design on his coat is actually the tattoo his has on his arm, it wasn't too bad to draw but fitting it in was a bit hard as you can tell from how it ended up at the bottom. Other than that I think it looks great!

And that's the end of this blog! I hope you enjoyed seeing my art over the course of this year and I wish you all a great 2024 whenever that may be for you! 。(⌒∇⌒。)

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☆LOTUS☆'s profile picture

you surely did improve alot!

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Waah... Tysm!! ^_^

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YOUR WELCOME!!!!!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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