mali's profile picture

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Category: Life

about me !!

Im 16 years old, but compared to my peers, I think I just dont think im quite there yet. (Or maybe Im just far beyond, my friends claim I act like a grandmother)

As for my sexuality, I have no idea about aything. I tend to be attracted to people with glasses, but I am not sure if theyre actual crushes or if I just like how they look. Either way, glasses arent a sexuality. Probably a forever mystery.

I spend most of my days thinking about what I should be doing. Reading, school assignments, finishing that show Ive been watching. During the night I do those things. 

I enjoy sitcoms, especially Community and The IT crowd (I need to marry Jen Barber) 

Im a big hater. I hate the newer Marvel movies, theyre too long and nothing new. I hate slow walkers! I hate writing about mes, because whenever I  have to share details about myself, my mind goes completely blank. 

However, I dont hate making friends so feel free to contact me anywhere :3

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