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Category: Music

a very rushed serve the servants analysis

serve the servants is my all time favourite nirvana song, and an amazing start to the critically acclaimed album in utero. despite how great this song is, i never see people give it the attention it deserves, so i have made it my job to give it the attention it deserves.

serve the servants is basically an autobiography in song form. it discusses cobains relationship with courtney and his family life. 

the song begins with the lyrics "teenage angst has payed off well, now im bored alone". this could suggest how at the primitive start of his music career things were exciting, however things have gotten less thrilling over time. 

the title serve the servants, in my opinion, suggests that the media is the one serving the servants, meaning the artists in the music industry. cobain hated how much media had invaded his life and gave their half-hearted opinions about his parents and wife.

to finish off, the lyric "i tried hard to have a father, but instead i had a dad" really stuck with me. as a person with issues with his father, i can totally relate to this lyric. as a child you seek the affection and love from your parents, and when you dont get it... well it hurts man.

thank you for reading this terrible analysis!! ☆

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