Another weird Sopranos family TV night

[Scene: The Soprano residence. Tony, Carmela, Meadow, and A.J. are sitting on the couch, watching TV. The Burger King commercial with Billy Robbins and Choose The Ooze comes on.]

Tony: What the fuck is this?

Carmela: Oh, look, it's that kid who lost all that weight. Remember him? He was on that show, BodyShock.

Meadow: Yeah, he was like half a ton or something.

A.J.: How did he lose so much weight?

Tony: He had a surgery. They cut his stomach in half.

A.J.: That's gross.

Tony: Yeah, well, it worked for him. Look at him now. He's eating burgers and nuggets and shit.

Carmela: He looks happy.

Meadow: He looks like a freak.

Tony: Hey, watch your mouth. He's a human being.

Meadow: I'm just saying, he's all green and slimy.

Tony: That's the gimmick. Choose The Ooze. It's supposed to be fun.

Meadow: Fun for who?

Tony: For kids. You know, like you.

Meadow: I'm not a kid, Dad. I'm 18.

Tony: Yeah, well, you're still living under my roof. And you're still watching this crap.

[The commercial ends and the voice-over announces the film A Time To Tell.]

Voice-over: Choose The Ooze at Burger King. And choose to tell someone if you or someone you know is being abused. It's the right thing to do. And now, a special presentation from the Boy Scouts of America. A Time To Tell. A film about child sexual abuse and how to prevent it. Starring Justin, Joe, and Sam.

Tony: What the fuck?

Carmela: Oh, my God.

Meadow: What is this?

A.J.: This is bullshit.

Tony: Turn it off. Turn

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