ill upd8 thiz az i remember & find more cuz i luvv sonic but my memory iz bad so thiz iznt all of it
sonic himself factz
- sonic haz 2 siblingz & hiz name iz a mix of da 2 !! their namez r sonia & manic & they appear in sonic underground show
- modern sonic iz said 2 be 5' while classic iz only 3'3
- sonicz shoez were inspired by michael jackson on the "bad" cover
- he disliekz evil, boredom, losing, & deep water but he luvvz chili dawgz ofc
- hiz 1zt appearance waz actually in rad mobile az a came0
- he likez bikez
- he can juggle
- he helped barbie at ronald mconaldz party
general franchize stuff
- there waz only 6 chaos emeraldz in the 1zt sonic game
- therez 93 sonic gamez !!
- the adventurez of sonic da hedgehog show alwayz had little lessonz at the end of each episode
- sonic haz a newish olympic game in chuck e cheeze that involvez physical movement (i luvvd it i played but takez a lot of jumping) it haz mario, silver, tails, and sonic i believ but idk
- sonic monoply versionz boom and gamer existz
- therez a figure of megatron with sonic on him
- tea turtle had a whole line of sonic shirtz !! they lozt da liscence tho
- some guy robbed a bank in a sonic mask
- sonic & oddfellowz ice cream had a collab not 2 long ago
- sonic underground waz da firzt sonic show 2 have knucklez & the 1zt 2 exclude tailz
other character info dump
- knucklez went on a solo trip in sa2 that showed hiz character
- tailz name iz actually milez & hiz old voice actor was also in mario odessy
- scrouge originally appeared az mean sonic in alt clothez, he waz changed from evil sonic to scrouge to have more of a character !!
- shadows memory waz altered at 1 point & iz slightly slower than sonic
- the name dr robotnik came 2 be without consulting sega, when sanoic waz being transported into the wezt, the name dr robotnik waz uzed without permission so thatz why itz not uzed today (i wish it waz robotnik tbh)
- tailz waz brown & orange in different sonic mediaz
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