🌀the most random things that ever happened at my school🌀

1- The bloody Mary

     It all started on a random day at school, the only difference between this day and the previous ones is that the school opened a bathroom on the block in which everyone said it was haunted or that you felt a strange sensation when you entered it (which was true, this bathroom it was extremely uncomfortable and I was always afraid to go there),So some girls decided to do the Bloody Mary ritual in this bathroom and from then on it was just rumors about the place saying they saw a ghost in the bathroom and that kind of thing, until one day at recess a little girl ran out of the bathroom. saying that there was a message written in blood on one of the white tile walls,  All of us, as good idiot children were horrified by the news but when a brave soul whose name I don't remember decided to go to the bathroom to see this message we discovered that this "blood" was just red lipstick and the girl who did it had to clean the entire wall..and now I understand that the bathroom caused this strange feeling because it was different from the other bathrooms at the school and also because it would easily be considered a liminal space with those white tiles everywhere along with extremely large and empty stalls.

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     Here are some "fights" and disagreements that have happened at school.

     -ˋˏ ༻7 types of fights that happen at my school ༺ ˎˊ-

             1-fights over men

            These are usually fights that occur in sixth grade through first grade.and not even to fight over some pretty boys, it's usually over some unfaithful boys 



              extremely common, it is usually resolved with a few insults and then they start talking again as if nothing had happened



             usually ends up with a few strands of hair on the floor and someone crying in the boardroom


             4-attract attention

             just stupid people who think they are superior fighting with others over nothing.Once a new girl arrived at school since the day she arrived, another girl and her group wouldn't leave the girl alone and at the end of the year, with a month to go until the school holidays, a "fight" happened between the two that ended with the new girl being transferred..Nowadays the group no longer exists because the girl who picked on everyone was racist and she and the rest of the group are facing a lawsuit which caused her to be "excluded" by her friends who made up the group (KARMA????)


             5-bad taste joke

             boys grabbing other boys' dick, the coordinator went to the classroom to give an almost lecture on why they couldn't do that, that this was considered harassment among other things (they keep doing that😑)


             6-dick drawing in notebooks

just dicks that appear out of nowhere drawn in your notebook with pen, no one ever knows who it was,The coordinator also came to our classroom to give a talk about dick and the words uttered from her mouth were "who draws this in other people's notebooks?, know that drawings are a reflection of your mind, so if you want a big dick, it's not At school you're looking for this"


              7-because of politics


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3-the snacks in the art room

This happened in the life project class, the teacher who is also an art teacher took us to the art room and said that no one was supposed to go in the back room and after a while when she left the room to go to the bathroom one group of people (half the class) went to the room and back and came back with their hands full of snacks.. ok the problem happened in the robotics class when the director arrived in the room together with the art teacher who was very angry because the people in my class had devoured two boxes of snacks that were from the 8th grade, all the people who ate the snacks were warned, even the boy who only ate half a cheese ball and next week they will have to bring a box of salty snacks to the people in the 8th grade... I've never seen mothers get as angry as the people in my class who were interrupted in the middle of work just to find out that their children were being suspended because of some salty snacks..

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4-"hide and seek"

This story is incredible and it happened to two boys in my class, one of them being my cousin and the other a boy who is annoying, it all started when one of the boys decided to skip math class and for that they hid somewhere in the school , in the second mathematics class the teacher got tired of waiting for them to come back and called the principal, the two of them walked all over the school looking for the boys and when they couldn't find them they decided to call their mothers to find them, after a while they were found behind a room in the library and the only thing I saw was my cousin being taken by his mother by the ear

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5-unusual occurrence

This happened in the other room, the damn room where we are always compared because the people there are "better", a girl who is the cousin of one of my friends sent a video to a boy the video was her doing immoral acts if you I understand, but obviously the boy didn't keep the video to himself and leaked the video for everyone to see and if you think it's bad, don't worry, the situation gets worse because days later the women from the secretariat saw it on the computer room's security camera and In the image it was possible to see the girl touching the boy in places that should not be touched within a school and obviously this became gossip at the school for over 5 weeks, the principal called those responsible at the school, gave a warning and, incredible as it may seem, there was no suspension and to this day the two involved in this no longer talk to each other, I just know that the video must still be on the cell phones of people at school..

   This is all because I'm tired of writing

     (っ- ‸ - ς)

 ⚠︎·˚Any errors, I'm sorry, this was translated with the help of Google Translate⚠︎·˚

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