Spiritual Science

Note: this is just an analysis, a theory on how certain things could be interpreted, I do not mean to offend anyone with this, I often use religious symbolism from different religions, mathematic firmulas and ohylosofies and analyse them in such a way that they essentially deliver the same message all together, I do not want to disrespect science nor religion with this I respect both and find them fascinating as they both can tell the same story in a different way.

What  does "in the name of the father son and Holly ghost" acctually mean?

On a spiritual level, we could see "father" as the "purified essence" the general core out of wich everything is created and fanlly transforms back into aka: energy , the filtered kind, or the "before life type (now they are acctually the same thing if we see it as a circle where after death every information gathered gets filtered out [I'm not saying I like this, it's acctually exactly what I don't like and why the cycle is repeating])

We could see the "Son" as the accumulation as "mortal thing" as all of our identity, memories and knowledge are just scrapes from other things that we observe put together trought our lense of view into our systhem digerate it and reproduced (eat, shit, laught/ take and give back) but "the son" could also represent the genotyp and generally, the least with wich youa re born thanks to the gens from your parents wich then subconsciously can dictate your world view, the sma ego's for the place where you were born and all this factors that create your world view 

The "Holy spirit" is a bit trickier, since I told before that "the son" could mean the "mortal thing" or better said how you form the mortal thing, I'd say that one possibility of putting it is to say that "the Holy spirit" mean the procesed identity and memories and all your lucid and selfe aware decisions and thoughts, the more sefe conscious the more you can "manifest" into life since everything is energy, even thoughts, there are more wave types, on different filters and etc etc, 

Unaware people (it sounds rude I don't mean it that way) can manifest to, living things do it all the time, usually as what I call a "crowd wave" and thsi are powerfull, (slay news: the manifestation of a singularity can be the same/stronger then a crowd wave since it is made selfe aware)

Not so slay news: the crowd waves are practically dictated by generations of generations of repetition, media, subconscious messages and generally life is controlled and human brains are easy to manipulate, and this who profit out of this cycle and are selfe aware use there "manifestation" to make "protections for the wave(s)"

So with saying "father son and holy ghost" it translates to " essence, material and own will(or something like that, it's butched since I don't have a clear depiction of the meaning of "son" and "holy ghost" since they can mean more so can "god")

All of this sound very random and this are just posible interpretations of what certain words could mean, words are powerfull, entymology, history and the energy of the milions of people who have used that word before them, that's why prayers and diety names are so important, they help the energy stream, 

The funny thing about knowing etymology is knowing how words used to mean different things, slang language is also part of it I'd say that it's energy can be quite powerfull since they are similar to selfe made sigils and signs, if used corectly, though sadly/funnily they end up intrivated, leading to missunderstandings because people understand different things out of different words.

This text ends abrupty as I realised the hours and thought think that time is an illusion, I don't want all my neurons to be eaten.

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