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Category: Blogging

Just trying this out

Okay wow well i dont even know if im using the right category rn-

Well i really feel embaressed since im overwhelmed by everything on here- I really wanna upload some of my drawings and photos i took but idk how to do so on my phone?? Can maybe somebody tell me if i can even do so on my phone or if not? Qwq. 

Im sorry- incase somebody gets annoyed by seeing this. I just found out about spacehey but seems like some on here are irritated by new users, which is understable- but oh well.

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Time_Keeper's profile picture

Nah you’re good. Forums have a learning curve

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bagira's profile picture

sadly you cant post stuff from your phone :c you have to do it from your pc ^^ and dont worry nobody finds the new ppl annoying its just more that they find the 13 yr olds annoying and theres drama around it but you arent annoying by just simply asking a question dw <3

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Okay alright! I thought it might be only possible to do so from a PC but i still had hope ^^;.

by bunny; ; Report