I'm 5'3 well 5'3 1/2. Almost everyone around me knows, they laugh and mock me for it. I'm guessing because its far easier to make fun of someone shorter than you because it's easier to make a life choice and a personality out of someone's height, instead of actually focusing on yourself and if people actually like you, but all of the mocking and all of the laughing put a big impression on me, now I backtrack and default to it. I start talking about ridiculous and stupid things such as my height, hair, really any qualities or traits of mine. it's so much harder for me to be myself to where I just start taking about things that everyone else talks about such as my height and hair. I can't really make them pay attention, or to like me, or even to care for more than my external characteristics. I could have all bad grades, be bad at sports, bad at writing, or even be bad at anything, but I can't be bad at the small and big imperfections that my external characteristics behold.

5'3 1/2 by: Lee Ann Owens
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