Is it possible to become someone better?
When I ask this I don't mean it in a "moral" way because something that is "morally incorrect" to someone can be in fact "normal" to everyone else and vice versa.
When I ask if it's possible to become someone better I mean in many ways that can include the way I talk, the way I walk, the way I try to interact with other people.
Every now an then I think to myself "is there a perfect example of how someone should be like?" because society, whom is not an single entity but in fact a huge group of people with their own unique personalities, is always so quick to judge you when you don't act the way you are supposed to.
Why am I obliged to interact with people I have absolutely no interest in?
Why am I obliged to wear clothes I don't feel comfortable with?
And why does everyone get so easily upset with me and the things I do on my own?
Society is just foolish.
Everyone is equal and should have their rights respected above all, but no one is equal in personality.
I am not the same as you and you are not the same as me, I'm not wearing the same clothes as you, you didn't suffer from the things I did and neither did I suffer from the things you did.
I am not superior to you and you're not superior to me, so what rights do YOU have to point at me and say that I HAVE to do what YOU think is right?
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