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Category: Sports

roller derby tips?

hello! im just about to go to by first derby practice in two days, and i was wondering if anyone on here had any tips. im fairly good at skating, but i cant skate backwards yet. i am disabled, so if you're giving me excersise tips, i would prefer if it didnt include bending over or crouching for a long amount of time, as that puts strain on my knees. 

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saccharineseraph's profile picture

omg i didnt think there was going to be any derby stuff here! i have a lot of fresh meat tips, ive been playing for over a year and a half! first things first, learn how exactly your skates work. standing in place, do stationary cokebottles, where you slide forwards and backwards in a () kind of motion. kind of push out with both feet at the same time, come to a point in the middle and stop, and push yourself backwards! with this practice you learn how your foot kind of pushes against your skate, its hard to explain sorry eek! also, another thing, you will not be good at all when you start out! it will feel unnatural and weird some of the stuff they might ask you to do. try your best and know you will learn it all eventually, never compare yourself! and also, first thing you EVER want to do is learn how to fall SAFELY and SMALL! before ANY hitting or speed drills! also, if you shake your skate and things are jingling around, ask someone to check it out for you, it might be something out of place preventing you from learning moves the right way! and lastly, everyone i know has cried at least once at practice. I cried at my first day! its natural, and have fun!!!

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