Obviously, I’m the incarnation of eDgY.
I have absolutely no friends because they disappoint me and never understand me. The dead, on the other hand, damn, they’re all I can ask for. They listen to my numerous issues and provide this sole comfort. I spend most of my time with the dead in fact. Better company than the living I must say.
I’m filled with demons and issues like ASPD, sadism, and Split Personality disorder. I think its extremely fun, no humorous, I haven’t had fun in ages, to defeat and watch my enemies burn…. which I have a lot of. My parents don’t understand a shit about me, I want to punish them and burn this house, this torture prison, down… with the exception of my room.
Ahh my room, the solace from the pain I feel everyday. It is a window to a life on the edge. In it is my black leather jacket that is cUt-ReSiStAnT (to protect myself from the heavenly feeling of self-mutilation, as prescribed by my psychologist, who still can’t understand me). My room, lAsT i ChEcKeD, wAs FuLl oF WeApoNs. I use these to cut myself on a daily basis and to bring torture and pain to the world that gave me so much of it. And then the main attraction… my coffin, which is where I go to sleep in the day. See, I have these allergies to the sunlight… you know… rashes. Also, the daylight, its too bRiGhT. When its rAiNiNg, I jump with glee, not joy though, I don’t feel joy. The rain is so comforting because the sky is dark, like my heart. I then climb a building to brood alone about my unfair life.
The best part in my room is the window which leads to the top of the first story of my prison. I jump from it every night to escape the torture. Then I go to these very dArK woods right next to my house and do my daily sAtAnIc rItUaLs… I’m the devil’s top consultant.
Afterwards, I go back home and ride my motorcycle to downtown and fight with my enemies. I always win… then I bathe in the blood of my enemies (and feast on it as well). Any wounds I might’ve received… i DoN’t FeEl bEcAuSe i aM tOo BrOkEn. By then, its almost dusk, so I go to my coffin and sleep.
On the Rare Ocurrence my parents wake me up for another dungeon… school, I use extreme self-control not to make them sUfFeR and then, of course, I contemplate suicide and communicate how dIfFeReNt i aM to a few fAkE fRiEnDs… I don’t need anyone.
i can’t and won’t love anyone cuz im dangerous, so i put on earbuds and listen to the recorded shrieks of my enemies and the wails of despair. if that doesn’t up my mood, I listen to some nice eDgY aNd eMo rAp…
*sobs slightly in the corner with tears of blood making puddles*
Lmao, this is my first answer… plz show support.
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