my name is rennjo(pronounced DeathBloodDEstRuction). YoUr AnnOyed by my LacK of GrammeR and SpElling( An SooN tO COME INconsisteNT FormaTing), RIght?
WEL ToO BAd you Don’T RULe MAI Life PunK. NOr Do ThosE IDioTs AT that STupid PlâCe caLled School. THat’s WHy I KilLed SOme oF THem and BaTheD iN theIr BlOoD. FOr LuNch, I dRank Some LefTover blood AnD ate Their Meat( im so eVile HahaaH)
WEll you Ask, DO I HAVE FrEnDs? HaHaHa THaese tHingS dOn’t Hapen tO mEe. Im So Different. BUT, to AnSwer Your QuestIon, WHo iN Hell neeDs them? NOt ME. I JUst ThiNk Of WaYs to KilL MySelf (AFter destroYing THe worLD). BUt I Do Have A Voice Called Harme WHiCH TeLLs mE to KIll Every1.
I LiSten To EvaneScEnce and MY CheMicAl RoMance. My Favourite LiTerature is MY ImmOrtal by Tara GilesBie( Seriously though, search it up, it is utter rubbish)
OH My Sat@N PrIncIpal WhItnEy is duh WoRst! eYe WaS jUst ChAsing hiM WiTh A KnIFe! HE CaLLed mY Parens FoR No Raeson!
i TriEd To ExPlain Too Dem ThaT mai Soul waS EmpTy, An It WAS NOTHing PERsonal, I WoUlD soOn ComE fO TheM Too. DAy WeRe So
AnGry aND ToOk MAi PhoNe. THiS iS CHilD AbUse! I TrIED TO CAll nIne11 AftER I GoT iT BaCk BuT thEY CUt Da CaLL. DIS WoRld IS GovErned By CoRRupTion!
TODAy I SAw An EvanGelist at mai DooRstep. I GreEted Him Evilly and TOK Him TO mY RooM. HE ScReAmed aFter SEEing PenTagrams, CiRcles, an OuiJa Boards. I TaPed HiS mOuth and TiED Him To A ChAir. HE ExPecTEd Me To Betray SaTan, BeLLA BAAl and EReShKigal FoR that HeAThen JeeSus? I STAbbEd Him witH My RapiEr.
MY ParenTs have NOt ApprOved Of GettinG a FEminist TatOOO, and TAkEn My pHone AgaIn becAuSe I Wasn’t DoIng Well AgainN. Im Like Who CaRES AbOut SChOoL! CHILD AbUse. I’lL KIll Dem AlL 1 DaY.
I CaNNot HeaR HARmE! Im So SaD. I cUt MySelf WiTh My RapiER and Drink mAi BloOd. THESe FIlthy BeIngS DoN’t Understand Me!
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