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Category: Games


I know I JUST made a blog entry about the games that I've been playing but I completely forgot to mention my greatest achievement!!

After THREE whole months I was finally able to beat Funger!! YAY!!!

I got ending E so um yeah I guess that makes it less impressive but I consider it a win since I tried my hardest to not use any outside sources and only relied on myself. Also I got spoiled on what the second half of the game looks like and thats a bit TOO scary for me at this moment!!

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may's breeze

may's breeze's profile picture

so cool!!! wish i could have played it without me gettin' spoiled the whole story :-(

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Awww that sucks!! I feel like its so much harder to avoid spoilers now compared to a few years ago so I've become a bit of a recluse when I try out a new show or game for the first time lol. But I hope you still enjoy the game despite the spoilers!!

by Left4Yosanan; ; Report