Chris :)'s profile picture

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Category: Music

about the rebzyyx situation

I believe some rebzyyx's fans already know he's been hacked. again.

About the two accounts:

the account that has 2 million monthly listeners is the official account. but there's another one, that currently has 304.9 monthly listeners. That account is being run by 2 people that are impersonating rebzyyx, their users are phiec and erenzy. 

this is the real account:

rebzyyx (official account)

About his recent activity in YouTube:

both his spotify and youtube have been hacked. his official youtube account has been hacked by phiec as he's listed as a producer in 3 lyric videos he's uploaded in the official account. 

the instagram account in the description of the videos, is also fake and ran by phiec. 

About the "new" songs:

there's been a lot of discussion about the new song rebzyyx uploaded to his official spotify account. but I believe it's also the result of the account being hacked as the credits of the song and the single have ". .-. . -. --.. -.--" (which translates to ERENZY) as the song's source. 

although, people have also noticed there's a new song on the other spotify account, the one I've said before it's a fake account. and even if the song is a rebzyyx song, it was uploaded by phiec and erenzy. 

after a little investigation, I managed to find out that both songs were actually a leak on a rebzyyx discord server. they were later stolen and uploaded on spotify.

Some extra info:

there's also another account called "rebzyyx beats" on spotify. needless to say, it's also fake and is being run by a guy who's username used to be synbx, which he later changed to Ketzeki, then to ketzyyx, then to rebzyyx beats (he uploaded an unfinished song to the official rebzyyx account under this name. song which was later eliminated) and then to ketzyyx once again. 

he is also a rebzyyx impersonator on Instagram and had been claiming he's rebzyyx's producer, which as a surprise to no one, is also false. 

that's everything I know until now, feel free to correct me if you find something to be false. I don't want to spread misinformation. 

tbh, the thing that worries me a little is the silence on rebzyyx's part. 

that's all for this blog, thank you for reading until here, if you did and sorry for my broken english ¦P

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Chris :)

Chris :)'s profile picture

the song uploaded by erenzy on rebzyyx's official account on spotify has already been deleted.

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JarikFr's profile picture

Yo can i maybe get the link tl rebzyyx discord server or is that hacked too

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There's no official rebzyyx discord server, I believe

by Chris :); ; Report


zahra's profile picture

theres two rebzyyx accounts with like a 1-2 million monthly listeners are they both real?

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Nope, the real one is the one that has 2.1 M listeners monthly, the other one is the account ran by phiec and erenzy.

by Chris :); ; Report


monsee's profile picture

hii so erenzy is a spotify artist and are we talking about him, like the one that made cutting,ritual,black roses etc?

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He didn't made those, those are just reposts of deleted songs, ritual is hoshie's and black roses is rebzyyx's. Cutting I think is from siouxxie, but I don't really remember, I'm sure it's a repost tho.

by Chris :); ; Report


Gh0st_El1's profile picture

En la cuenta falsa hay una canción subida q se llama " I want u 4ever" esa es una canción de Rebzyyx q no subió o intentaron recrear su voz para ponerla en esa canción?. La vrdad está muy buena pero no quiero apoyar a esa cuenta pq es falsa :(

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Pdn x la tardanza, no sé si te sirva mi comentario todavía xd
Pasa qué esa canción si es una canción de rebzyyx como tal, pero es un leak qué salió de un discord privado donde alguien subió esa canción y otras 2 canciones incompletas. No sé como lograron poner sus manos en la canción aparte de ese leak, pero es mejor no apoyar a la cuenta. Creo que puedes encontrar la canción en una cuenta que se llama IdkWhatIsLife, es una cuenta que hace repost, pero da créditos.
Más qué nada, es importante no apoyar a erenzy ni a Phiec.

by Chris :); ; Report

Angel Massaker

Angel Massaker's profile picture

that synbx guy- he doesn't only do it to rebzy, but tr1st4n too. before tr1st4n's songs got removed from streaming services, synbx was the one uploading them. dirty guy

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yes, I forgot to mention that there's a spotify account under the name of tr1st4n (I think) that's being run by ketzyyx, plus an Instagram account impersonating Tristan that's also ran by the same guy. thanks 4 the comment¡!

by Chris :); ; Report