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Category: Books and Stories

Hear me ramble about Petscop rq (FUCKING LOOONGGGG)

Hey, I don't really hide that I have a bit of a FUUUCKIN obsession with petscop rn. It just satisfies all my niches. Gaming creepypasta (idc if it's called unfiction, online horror is creepypasta whether people wanna admit it or not, written story, ARG, don't matter), themes of child abuse, shit hits deep with me.

Now, I kinda just wanna ramble here instead of going to reddit like a pleb, one because I do want to fill this blog with stuff, and second because the petscop subreddit is honestly pretty obnoxious when it comes to the theories I subscribe to. The story is intentionally pretty vague, so even saying "Tony never confirmed this" or even "Tony said this subject is not relevant to petscop" is irrelevant. Death of the author is imo part of the fun of a mystery, you just gotta have actual reasons to believe something...also, watch petscop, you will understand jack shit if you don't.

Obvious content warning, all kinds of child abuse, if you know Petscop, you know all this already. If you don't wanna dwelve into depressing subject matter, go look at cute cat videos (babe are you hungry? :D wa ha ha ha hau)

So, I just wanna mention two theories, both relating to Care...aka Paul, they're the same person imo.

The "deflowering" theory is pretty simple. Paul takes a few petals off a flower, and he sees Care NLM. He takes off all the petals, and Care is completely distraught, her sprite destroyed, in clear agony...gee, I WONDER what the symbolism is. If you don't know what that word means, google it, though honestly if you made it past the CW you undeniably know.

Now, there are two reasons people do not subscribe to the theory, one being that "nobody loves me (NLM)" is related to a Dr Seuss book, and somehow that means there is NO other subtext, despite the theory making more sense with it in mind, like, it ADDS to it. The other one actually pisses me off, that being "oh I didn't wanna watch a story about this kind of thing," which is...insulting? It's like they want to watch a story about child abuse, but have it be sanitized for their eyes. Now I get it, especially if people wanna repress such memories, but if someone has the stomach for the rest of Petscop's themes, I sincerely don't understand how this is somehow "too much." It's a story about abuse, this is one of the worst kinds of abuse. Heavy subject matter is heavy, a huge surprise. At least respectfully disagree, rather than to call anyone who believes it a moron. It is simply too obvious for me to ignore.

The other theory is that Paul is Care, they are one and the same, and there is personally zero doubt about it. The way this is true can honestly be anything, timelines, dimensions, paradoxes, but the most down to earth conclusion is that Paul is a trans man, which is personally what I subscribe with, since it makes sense for a story about real shit to be grounded, mostly realistic.

Why is it the only logical conclusion? Simple, ignoring how not only are these two born on the same day, on the same year, Paul's reactions make ZERO sense unless he is Care. Why would he be shocked to find the Vase unless he is Care, uncovering repressed memories of his "ugly reflection?" Why would he be shocked by the red triangle REPRESENTING Care's reflection? Why would his player character be a red triangle, unless he is Care?

Some might say "how could he forget all that stuff, especially if we subscribe to the deflowering theory?" Well, for one, repressed memories are a real thing. Second, Paul cannot instantly make the connection, Care is not the real name of his childhood identity, that is Carrie Mark. It is shown throughout the series that Paul is a skeptic, he does not believe the game has an entity in it, until he is proven wrong when Marvin talks to him and he learns how to use P2 to Talk. He does not put the pieces together, that this is a game inherently related to his family, UNTIL he sees his past conversation with Jill in the game. Now, where is that conversation seen? Intertwined with Anna talking to Care! It's almost like the game is intentionally trying to remind him of his past. After all, it is a growing organism, it knows it's Paul, it knows it's an adult Carrie, not to deadname or anything.

Now, you might say, dear reader "Why would you connect this with the deflowering theory?? That reinforces a negative stereotype." This is something I hear...WAY too fucking much, and I respectfully disagree. The abuse of LGBT children by disgusting parents, should not be sanitized, just because there is a chance the audience is filled to the brim with morons with a major lack in empathy.

Plus, the whole "abuse makes kids lgbt" thing does not even fit in with how the abuse is described. Marvin specifically wants to rebirth Care into Lina, because he believes Carrie is essentially her reincarnation. Everything points out to him being a complete fucking nutcase, to the "you're in the bathtub thinking of her" comment, to him believing in rebirthing in general. 

Now, what would completely SHATTER his worldview? Simple, his oh so precious "chance to bring Lina back" no longer acting like the girl he knew...because Care was always showing some kind of signs of gender ambiguity. I hear from trans people themselves that such things can be obvious sometimes, especially in a healthy environment. We know Marvin is abusive, but perhaps Care, let's actually say Paul, felt safer with his mom. Maybe that allowed the signs of gender ambiguity to flourish, and Marvin was enraged...like, maybe even that's why they divorced, would not be the first time in history. A quick, firm reminder, that abusive parents view their kids as property, he would not want his get out of jail free card, to ever not resemble Lina.

...So yes, I believe he would do things like shave his eyebrows, and "deflower" him, to break his spirits. He already did NOT give half a shit about his own flesh and blood, he wanted Paul to stay as Carrie, just to feed into his delusions of rebirthing. We already know this fucker's evil, this all makes too much sense to me, and I won't just pretend I don't see it.

Besides the imo misguided fear of reinforcing stereotypes, the other side of camp is just...pretty blatantly transphobic. "This theory has no basis in reality" or "Trans people just wanna make everything about themselves!" Well, I'm just a run of the mill cis man, and I believe the story makes no fucking sense unless these two are the same in some way, and this is one of the most likely ways this can be the case...so, eat a dick, if you're on THAT side of the camp.

Plus, is actively makes the themes of the story stronger, especially the ending. Marvin expects Paul to just accept his rebirthing bullshit, play the notes as instructed...BUT HE JUST FUCKIN JAMS HIS OWN SHIT BRO, and Marvin walks out like the little bitch he is, forced to sit there for eternity and keep chasing after his delusions. Paul has moved on, away from his abusive ties. He overcame the family's initimidation by not following...that resonates with me.

So yes, Paul is a trans boyfailure (that's a dead kid :/), he went through some shit, and the theories should at the very least be respected for starting a valid conversation. Respectfully disagree? NO PROBLEMO, I just think it's all worth talking about, even in a bit of a manic frenzy with required watching.

2 Kudos


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ꪑꪖꪗꪮᛕꪀꫀꫀᦓ's profile picture

Man Petscop is so GOOD Have you seen crow64 ?

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Nope, I think the only thing comparable is like, Ben Drowned, which is a childhood classic of mine, messy third arc aside.

by Yuchun!; ; Report


by Yuchun!; ; Report

I <3 Ben drowned best creepypasta

by ꪑꪖꪗꪮᛕꪀꫀꫀᦓ; ; Report


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Took me 10 minutes to learn how to add music again, swear to god. But hey, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!

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good music taste

by Kule1Toxic; ; Report