being scenemo in aus

Why is it so hard to find scene/emo clothes in australia? im full on struggling with wearing black baggy pants and a black tee in 40 degree weather... winter is literally when the best style emerges out of everyone in aus. dont even get me started on the LACK of hot topic-like stores in australia. dangerfeild sucks balls and like off ya tree is just satanic (i dont agree with that stuff :p), i am in NNNEEEEDDD of a damn hot topic!! 

i feel like the only place you can really be scene is at a comic con... i have seen cool emo kids in my city tho, but its likely you'll get harrassed or barked at. like, the other day, i was at a cafe in SLIGHTLY emo clothes and someone was singing "because tonight will be the night that i will fall for youuu" to make fun of me. i lowkey love that song so xD

i used to make fun of scene kids (mainly tiktok alt ppl) until i became oneee so when i dress up and go in public like i know what people are thinking. 

ppl need to be nicer man T_T let ppl be who they want- no one should tell you what to wear

australia is cool for like everything else (like no school shootings LOL) except for emo culture :((

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