I haven't been on SpaceHey in a while because I have been busy with school and Christmas was yesterday, so I was obviously busy. I first joined SpaceHey a month ago, and the site was really cool to be on and I always focused on trying to make my profile to my liking over the first couple of weeks trying to find layouts to put in for my profile. I read multiple blogs, and it wasn't the best but was very great for me because I was new. I heard back in 2021 it was very peaceful and really felt like MySpace, but now people are bickering that 11 through 13-year-olds are on this site and that they shouldn't be. This makes me sick because people state that kids don't have mental illness. There are pre-teens/kids that has real mental illness or at least some sort of mental problem, I agree some tend to fake it and it's annoying but the adults/older people on here need to quit their shit because who cares if these young people have bug/bugself or some cringe pronouns they use it's just a phase and the kid is going to probably grow out of it. Let kids be themselves and embarrass their own self on the internet, they will learn their lesson at one point it's not like the world is about to end by some kids making their way here on SpaceHey. If you're that annoyed at kids on the internet there is always a block button, you can find to get them out of your sight for good. Stop making a big deal out of it, don't waste your time yelling at them. Let them be. I would also want to point out this, stop thinking the 2000s was a good place. Although recordings of 2000s high schoolers or just regular people seem wholesome there is way more that happened behind the scenes probably, I heard from people back in the day that bullying was probably one of the worst things to experience, even in school. Don't think the 2000s was such a happy place just from the way people looked and because there was barely any smart technology. Picking on people has probably been around before the 2000s and has always been a thing. It doesn't change one bit. SpaceHey use to be very wholesome but now it's drama that goes on for DAYS. Quit your shit, get yourself together.
SpaceHey is becoming shit...sorry to admit it, but please understand where I'm going with this.
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