rediscovering my style

these past couple weeks i haven't been trying at all with outfits since i was getting so exhausted from school, but i realized i was feeling almost burnt out in a way about fashion. nothing seemed to spark ideas for me and i was beginning to hate all of my clothes. i felt like i had lost my personal style and that it was time for a change. 

i started with making a new pinterest board but that made me feel worse lol. nothing interested me at all. so i resorted to youtube and rewatched a style video i love. this girl gives tips on how to find ur personal style w/o spending any money. soooo i followed her instructions, starting w/ just looking thru my old style board and listing the things i liked. it made me feel sooooo much better and i realized i actually still love a lot of the things i always have!!! then she recommended you go through your closet and pick out all the things that match what you like. and omg over half my clothes alr fit the style i like lol. i feel way better now and like i can look through all my clothes and easily create new fun outfits!!

it's kinda interesting cuz this whole feeling of being burnt out was less about needing a change in style and more about just being out of touch with my personal style. as someone who loves expressing themselves thru clothes being in touch with my style is really important. i think me getting out of touch with it was a result of stress and exhaustion from school and family drama, so now that i'm on winter break i can really recharge lol. 

also i love that my style is really my own. like sure you could list it as a mix of a bunch of different aesthetics and cores or whatever but at the end of the day its my own unique style and i love it!!! it rlly reflects me as a person--which is another thing!! i'm always trying to make sure i'm dressing for myself and not others. it can be really easy to want to dress to attract people but its like... if i dress how i want to... then the right people for me will be attracted to me... so if im dressing for what i think someone likes... then i'm probably gonna attract the wrong people lol. 

anyways long rant over. merry xmas eve!!!!

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Fe.Fe.Fe.Fe's profile picture

thanks for sharing !
What s the vidéo u are referring to?

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