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dying and the afterlife

DISCLAIMER: I'm not the first person to say/think this and I'm also not saying you have to believe me or take what I say as facts, believe what you want to believe.

I'm definitely not the first person to say this, but scientifically and logically speaking, there is no afterlife. Our brain ceases function after we die, our consciousness ceases and so does our mental activity. People like to say, "death is like sleeping." which I believe is wrong. Yes, we are not conscious when we sleep, but there is still mental activity going on, dreaming or not. When we die there is none of that, our brain ceases mental activity, consciousness, and function. To sum it all up: there is nothing after death. 

Do you remember being born? No, probably not. So how are you going to remember life after death? For me, death is nothing. It's the same feeling before you were born. Its instant.

Do you remember sitting through the billions of years the world has went through? Of course not, you weren't around for the 1800's or for the dinosaurs or the black plague. You, very obviously, were not born yet. But that's what I'm trying to say, you didn't have to wait around until you were. So, logically speaking, how are you going to wait around after death?

I'm not trying to disprove God or the afterlife or anything. But logically speaking it seems unrealistic. Magic doesn't exist, ghosts don't exist, so why would God and the afterlife exist? Why would spirits exist after death? If ghosts did exist that would mean, there's an afterlife. But LOGICALLY speaking, that seems so unrealistic and make believe. Saying God exists and there is an afterlife, to me, sounds like saying magic is real. 

I honestly believe I'm 100% correct about this. Although I have no way of being certain as I have not died yet or truly know what happens after we die, although I do believe there is no life after death, especially for the brain we currently have. 

If what I'm saying is sounding sour, let me lighten the mood. Yes, you will die, we all will die eventually, and so will this planet and our universe and our galaxy and space as we know it. BUT why not live life to the fullest? You only have one shot at life, and you were lucky enough to be given the chance to experience it. You were lucky enough to be born and to live the life you have, so don't take it for granted. You truly are special and lucky enough to have been born and have the experience trillions of others are never going to get. So why not live it up while you have the chance to. 

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Fionn's profile picture

people practice magic though rip

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same deal w/ contacting spirits and gods actually lol

by Fionn; ; Report

They practice it, but it doesn't mean it exists.

by fang; ; Report

how could somebody practice something that doesn’t exist? if it’s possible to practice it, it’s real. besides, your evidence of it not existing is probably just “i don’t think it makes sense, so it’s not real.” hard sciences don’t apply to the metaphysical because it’s, well, metaphysical

by Fionn; ; Report

I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything but sitting there and saying magic is real is the craziest thing i have ever heard. No, magic doesn't exist, just like unicorns and wizards. I can't wave a wand and have something fly in the air on my own will. Yes, people contact spirits and stuff using Ouija boards, but have you ever actually seen those things work? Not just in YouTube videos or by someone using you to make a quick buck. Have you personally sat down by yourself and contacted spirits, and have you gotten an answer back?

by fang; ; Report

help. you don’t even know what kind of magic i’m referring to… ofc you can’t wave a wand and make things levitate, that’s not what i’m talking about. i personally can’t practice most of it because it’s considered hubristic, however. also, yeah, i have. although i’d say the theoi aren’t necessarily just “spirits”

by Fionn; ; Report

Listen, I'm not focusing on if magic is real or not. I'm focusing on the afterlife and how there seems to be none. There's nothing after we die and that's what I, and some scientists, are trying to say. Although we can't be 100% sure, the theory proposed in this blog sounds the most plausible.

by fang; ; Report

Listen, I'm not focusing on if magic is real or not. I'm focusing on the afterlife and how there seems to be none. There's nothing after we die and that's what I, and some scientists, are trying to say. Although we can't be 100% sure, the theory proposed in this blog sounds the most plausible.

by fang; ; Report